STAR WARS: The Last Jedi (Part 1 of 8)

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

(Opening text crawl)

The NEW REPUBLIC lies in disarray after the destruction of the HOSNIAN SYSTEM. With the destruction of STARKILLER BASE the FIRST ORDER is relentlessly hunting the RESISTANCE and their agents across the Midrim.

In order to restore a spark of hope to the galaxy Rey has sought out the Last Jedi, Luke Skywalker, on a long forgotten world in the Unknown Regions.

General Leia Organa has called an emergency meeting with what remains of the NEW REPUBLIC's governing body with the hopes of calling for immediate military action to combat the threat of the FIRST ORDER's tyranny.

Supreme Leader Snoke has summoned his apprentice, Kylo Ren, before him to complete his training. Darkness is rising in the galaxy...

(Plot summary below)

The movie begins within a dark room when suddenly a red crossguard lightsaber ignites. After the ignition of the red crossguard lightsaber six yellow bladed lightsabers ignite one at a time around the lone red lightsaber. The room is silent, other than the humming of the seven blades within the darkness, as a fight begins to ensue between the seven unseen combatants; the only thing that can be seen are the swift movements of the six yellow blades colliding with the lone red bladed opponent as sparks of energy are given off from their clash. One by one each of the yellow bladed fighters is cut down within the darkness. Once the battle is over the sound of three single long pausing claps can be heard as a deep gargled voice begins to speak, "You have done well, Apprentice." The red crossguard lightsaber is then thrust into the ground.

As the light begins to creep into the room two figures start to take form. Once the room is bathed in light Kylo Ren can be seen kneeling, with his head bowed and a blindfold over his eyes, with his lightsaber in his right hand while the blade is impaled into the ground. The room is clad in red and gold colors. Six figures, wearing white robes, lay on the ground. Supreme Leader Snoke sits on a large elegant white stone throne decorated with strange unintelligible writing, he wears a grey robe and an obsidian-like ring on his left ring finger; he slouches to his right while raising his right arm to rest his head on his right hand. The room sits silently for a moment as Snoke begins to speak once more, "You may remove your blindfold." 

Kylo Ren reaches for his blindfold with his left hand and is stopped by Supreme Leader Snoke using the Force. Kylo grits his teeth in anguish as he struggles to reach for the blindfold. He lets out a sigh as he lowers his hand and uses the Force to telekinetically remove the blindfold off. Snoke addresses Kylo in a low somber tone, "That is why you failed, Apprentice. You lack the forethought and the ingenuity to do what MUST be done." Kylo's eyes fill with intensity as he tightly grips his lightsaber's hilt while he raises his head to address Snoke with defiance in his voice, "I wa..." He places his left hand on his forehead as he writhes in pain quickly lowering his head once more for the pain to subside. Snoke once again addresses Kylo in a soft-spoken manner, "When I want your excuses I'll ask for them. For now, YOU listen. You allowed an untrained Force-sensitive to best you in combat. And the why? Was it to prove your own hubris?", there is a brief pause, "You may speak, Apprentice."

Kylo raises his head in defiance as he feels Snoke apply subtle pressure to his cranium with the Force. He slowly relents to address Snoke, "No, Master. I thought I could convince her to join us and our cause."

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