STAR WARS: The Last Jedi (Part 3 of 8)

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(There are three full moons in the sky shining on a lake surrounded by a large forest)

Leia sits on the ground with her legs at her side as she gazes at the moons as she peacefully says. "So you're still trying to get in my head. And you choose the most relaxing place in the galaxy to do it." Leia smiles she gazes at the moons. "I'm glad you still remember our moonlight walks."

Kylo Ren walks over to her with his mask off as he harshly asks her. "Why don't you just tell us where Skywalker is? Things would be better for you if you do," he lowers his voice to a near whisper as he lightly says, "Mother."

Leia closes her eyes as she lowers her head as she lets out a deep sigh as she stands up opening her eyes as she dusts herself off. She looks at Kylo Ren as she softly says. "Call me stubborn." She smiles at him and begins to walk along the lakeshore.

Kylo Ren sneers at her as his eyes begin to fill with anger. "Enough of this. Tell me where he is now!" As the words leave his mouth the trees begin to sway from the Force energy emanating from him.

Leia turns toward him with a smile and reaches out with a hand as she softly tells him. "Walk with me, Ben."

Kylo Ren slams his fist on his leg as he angrily tells her through gritted teeth. "I am not..."

Leia harshly interjects as she shoots a glare at Kylo Ren. "If you give me that 'I am not Ben Solo' speech again I will slap you." She contorts her lips as she slightly lowers her head glaring at Kylo Ren as she brings her hand back to her side.

Kylo Ren's eyes widen as he looks at Leia. He walks towards her and the two proceed to walk along the lakeshore together.

As the two walk side by side Leia glances at Kylo Ren and then she gazes upon the lake as she begins to softly say. "I'm glad to see that you're eating well. You used to be such a scrawny kid." She chuckles to herself as she brings her gaze forward. "I was actually worried that you would wither away when you joined the First Order."

Kylo Ren says solemnly. "You were worried about my eating habits when I joined the First Order but you weren't worried about it when Skywalker was training me."

Leia woefully looks down briefly then ahead again. "I was even more worried for you when you left to train with Luke than when I had heard you joined the First Order." She pauses for a moment as she sighs. "There was a certain level of expectation that we had for you in becoming a Jedi. It was too much to place on the shoulders of a child and we should never have asked that of you."

Kylo Ren glares at her with anger in his eyes. "Even though you knew that it didn't stop you did it? You still sent me away."

Leia pauses for a moment as Kylo Ren continues to walk a few feet ahead of her. He pauses for a moment and looks back at her as she begins to walk towards him. They begin to walk alongside each other again as she tells him. "I know and I'm sorry for doing that. I only did that because..."

Kylo Ren interjects. "Because you couldn't stand the sight of me after what happened with Han."

Leia grabs Kylo Ren by the arm and pulls him towards her. Kylo Ren looks at her hand as she grasps his arm. Leia releases his arm as she clasps his face with her hand and turns his head so that the two of them gaze into each other's eyes as she begins. "I could never blame you for what happened between me and Han. Being YOUR mother is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Despite what you have done since creating this persona of KYLO REN. You are still my son." She lowers her hand to her side as the two begin to walk once more.

Kylo Ren glances at her for a moment as a writhe smile crosses his face. "It won't work you know. My Master already told me you would try such a tactic and I have prepared myself for it. You may think that I was too young to remember but I do. The assassination attempts, the kidnapping, and that incident on Manaan. My childhood was riddled with fear and strife because of who my 'family' is."

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