December 2014

122 17 5

December 5, 2014

Dear journal,

I'm living in a tiny flat nearly the cemetery. It's easier to visit Ash now.

- Calum

December 14, 2014

Dear journal,

It's almost Christmas.

I don't want to spend it alone.

My family is all too busy to notice my problems. My parents and Mali-Koa are going to New Zealand and didn't even think to at least offer to take me with them.

Fuck them.

Ashton wouldn't leave me at Christmas.


December 24, 2014

Dear journal,

I'm going to spend this Christmas, and all of eternity with Ashton.

I've sent letters out to Luke and Mikey, and another, shorter letter to my family.

Luke out of the hospital, so no one is going to read it except him. I'm glad, because it's too personal for anyone else to read. His was the most emotional, since we were so close.

God, I'm already using past tense.

I can't wait til I die.

Mikey's was just full of thank yous, for being such an amazing friend, hell he's not my friend, he's my brother and I'm going to miss him.

I almost just sent "fuck you" to my parents, but they don't deserve that. Theirs just says how much they meant to me, and how thankful I am that they let me live my dream.

I'm going to go now, it's almost midnight and want to be with Ash in time for Christmas.


So hey this is short (like 250 words oops), but the next chapter will be in one of the boys P.O.V.'s (who should I do?) and at least 1200+ words.

Vote and comment please. :)

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