Chapter 15: Let Go

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It's been four years since I last saw the Doctor. I haven't thought about him much lately. I'm moving out tomorrow and Emily and I were going to get an apartment here.

"Anna!" Craig called. "What?!" I shouted from my bedroom. There was no answer. "WHAT?!" I yelled louder. Still, nothing. "Ugh," I sighed.

I threw off my blanket and set my laptop on the desk. I stepped onto the cold floor and walked out of my bedroom. "Yeah?" I asked reaching the kitchen. "Could you help me do the dishes?" he said. I nodded. It was about ten minutes in when he tried to strike up a conversation.

"Anna, I think that-" "Listen, if you're trying to start a conversation I suggest you give it up because honestly, it just makes everything awkward," I interrupted. He looked shocked but then he nodded in agreement.  We finished and ran back up to my room.

I finished packing and then I got ready for bed. I lie there in the darkness, too excited to sleep. Then, I caught myself thinking about the Doctor. I grabbed a small pillow and put it over my face and screamed into it. I thought about that night.

When I didn't even say goodbye to the Doctor.The last thing I said to him was "Don't touch me." I threw the pillow across the room angrily, it knocking off a photo of my mother and smashing the glass and it tore the photo as hit the ground.

I sat up quickly and ran to the smashed frame. I fell to my knees. It was the only photo I had of my mother. The only thing I had of her. I felt a warm tear run down my face. I wiped away the shattered remains of the glass and picked up the photo that had been torn in half.

I got up off my knees and went over to the desk and snatched a few pieces of tape. I carefully placed them down the middle of the photo. As soon as I finished carefully put it one of the pockets on my small suitcase. I walked over to my bed and pulled my blanket up to my face. 'Doctor...Doctor...' I kept thinking. I fell asleep.

I woke the next morning and looked at my watch that sat on the almost emptied side table. 8:34. The sun shone in and brightened the room. I blinked a few times and stared at the ceiling and waited until my eyes adjusted to the light.

I threw off my blanket and walked over to the door. I made sure I didn't step on any shards of glass that were left from last night. I picked up most of it but I just made sure there weren't any pieces I missed. I walked quietly passed Alfie's room. You know 5 year olds. They're loud.

I stepped in the kitchen to find Craig sitting at the table, drinking a cup of coffee and reading the morning paper. "Morning," I said making my way to the fridge. "Morning," he replied with half a biscuit in his mouth. "Anyone else up?" I asked. He shook his head. I nodded.

There wasn't anything in the fridge and I was too lazy to make something. Plus, I wasn't really hungry anyway. I shut the door and made myself a cup of coffee. I sat down across from Craig and quiet sipped the beverage.

"You okay?" he asked, noticing that I was too quiet. I usually talked his ear off in the morning. We grew closer in the past four years. "I'm fine. I'm just, kind of sad to be leaving....." I answered. I just had to let go today....

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