Chapter 4:Leaving

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We heard beating on the door and screeching."Best we go!"the Doctor yelled.We were back on the streets everyone was gone except for Amy and Rory.I ran out the door and looked down the street.There was nothing there.The house looked the same and the door was closed again.

"I don't think I'm going to recover after seeing that,"I remarked sitting down by Amy."Seeing what?"she asked me."A Bean Nighe,"the Doctor replied.Amy's shifted uncomfortably."What's that?"Rory asked."Well,a myth to most people.But it's not,it's real.It's from the planet Batcow.Uh,I've seen them before but never interacted with them.They're said to be omens of death,messengers from the Otherworld.She wanders near deserted streams and washes the grave clothes of those who are about to die.I could tell you more but it'll just get awkward.This one,it's gone crazy.It doesn't even look like itself,"the Doctor explained.

"Oh,"Rory said."How can you kill it?" "You can't..."the Doctor said."So what can we do?"asked Amy."Well,we could leave it here and let it keeps killing everything,try to make it go back to what it's supposed to do,or my plan,"he said."What's your plan?"I asked.The Doctor just smiled."Anna,I think you should go to bed,"the Doctor told me."What?You expect me to just go to bed?After what happened?!"I yelled."Yes!Now off you go!"he said."We'll stay with you won't we Amy?" "Of course!"she replied worriedly.

We all got off the sidewalk and went up to the porch.My hands were shaking so Rory opened the door.I stood on the porch for a second and looked down the road.There wasn't anything there so I went inside.

"Uh,we don't have a guest bedroom so.."I said tiredly."Oh no it's fine.We'll just stay here in the living room and make sure nothing comes in!"the Doctor assured me.It was a bit awkward with him.He was so oblivious.

I ran up the stairs and walked in my bedroom.I changed into a t-shirt and pajama pants.I layed down on my bed lazily.I couldn't sleep.I didn't realize how long I layed there until I looked at my clock.It was around 1 am."Ugh,I can't sleep,"I said to myself.

I heard distant talking.That was the three of them.I got up and put my ear to my door.It was hard to make out what they were saying so I opened my door a bit and made it to the hallway.They couldn't see me hopefully."Doctor,you do know why it wants her don't you?"Amy whispered.I saw him run his hand through his hair."No.I'd have to ask it.But,if you did your research on them you'd know how to get an answer!"he said.

He told them how and then it was a bit awkward.I definitely wouldn't want to get an answer that way.I don't think anyone would unless they were desperate."Wow,"Rory said breaking the silence."Or,I could consult with it.I don't want to know who's going to die.That would be...terrible.I bet they would be depressed.Wandering deserted streams and having to clean the graveclothes of things that are about to die.I wouldn't like that.Anyway,so my plan,"he said.

I moved a bit closer.It was dark in the hallway.I couldn't really see where I was going but I managed.He was talking then suddenly I felt warm breath on my neck.I didn't dare to breathe.I felt a cold hand grasp my arm.

"Doctor!!"I screamed.The three of them turned around in shock."Anna,don't move,"the Doctor told me."Why would I?"I swallowed hard.I knew it was  a Bean Nighe behind me.I don't know why it hasn't killed me yet.Or moved.The Doctor walked to the first step.The thing put its other hand on my neck.It's nails were sharp and were digging into my skin.

"Why do you want her?"he asked.It growled."Okay,you're not like the others.We can see that.Why are you killing?You're making it seem like a human is killing them but why?"he questioned.It grinned again.That creepy smile I hoped to never see again.

It clenched my neck.It was getting harder to breathe now."Doctor,help,"I pleaded."Why won't you answer me?I know you can talk I heard you,"he said."Now why are you killing?"There was a long silence.The only thing you could hear was me gasping for air.

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