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Hi all! Thank you for reading! Older followers may remember that this novel was actually up on my Wattpad back in 2014, but I grew unhappy with it. I recently have been rewriting it and drastically altering the future novels I have planned for this series. Looking back on this first novel, I fear it is a bit cliche because it was drafted when I was 14/15 and these YA type novels were the hype, but I promise the books just get better from here, so kudos if you like this one! Please enjoy :)


The past is a deep red. It swirls and bubbles and leaves the ground sticky and damp. It swallows lives whole until there is nothing left but memory.

Viscous, hot blood. Stained boots. A glistening knife.

Bam! Boom! Are those the only sounds the universe now holds?

The black cloaks are all too familiar. They shroud the devil inside. Black cloth swarms the land until there is nothing but darkness and blood.

Where is the light? Certainly not inside anymore. Where is the one who will save us?

They are slaughtered. They are taken. They are sent away.

Screaming. Crying.

Hands rip apart. Infants cry until they're hoarse. Lethal needles stab warm skin.

The world is gone. The strongest inherit the Earth. One day they too will touch the Heavens. They reach their scraggly fingertips to the sky to taste the power that they one day wish to hold.

A mother rests her baby in a crib and vanishes.

The girl hugs her knees to her chest and hides as her father's screams echo. She presses her face into the darkness while her limbs shake.

There is only one emotion. Loneliness.

Where does loyalty lie? Should they leave? Should they stay?

She was taught to fight, but she was never told who to fight for..

The boy coughs up blood in the dirty confines of the alleyway. His companion rubs his back, ignoring his own stomach pains.

Feet are bare and dirty. No food. No life.

A pale hand reaches forward to grasp onto his own. Her eyes are hazel. Her touch is warm, her gaze is gentle. The sun. It's shining brightly. He will remember.

Warmth grows, but it cannot stay, even when a home is found. Even when they come together. Blood drips in their past. It will stain them forever. It will stains their new walls, and the homes after that, and the generations after that.

The world is dark. The world is cruel.

How can anyone save them?

The Spirit Guardians Book 1: EnlightenedWhere stories live. Discover now