Chapter 27

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When Cassie did awake, rough handcuffs pushed into her sore wrists. She squinted as she opened her eyes, realizing she was sitting in a white room. The pale light was blinding, and she squinted her eyes as reality suddenly set in.

She, Marc, and Elijah had been taken. Fergus had lured them into a trap. 

Cassie glanced around the room, but it did not hold either Marc or Elijah. There were a couple of figures dressed in black present in the room with her.

"Sir, she's awake," a woman with short brown hair said. A man stood with his back facing the wall. He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. She could tell immediately he was the authority figure to the others.

"Then take her to the cell," he said quietly.

Cassie stood up, but her legs felt like jelly. Without even making a move to escape, someone grasped onto her arm. She shrieked, kicking the man who had grabbed her, but another man took hold of her other arm, and she was dragged out of the room and down a darkened hallway.

"Where are you taking me?" she hissed.

The two men did not reply, even if Cassie knew already she was on her way to her prison. They turned a corner, and despite Cassie's attempts to knock one of the men's feet out from under him, he only squeezed on her arm tighter, causing Cassie to cry out.

"Watch your step," the other man spoke.

All at once, a door slid open. Cassie nearly slipped as they went through the door and took a step down. The metal frame shut behind them, and then a man pulled a lever. Cassie felt herself descending and realized at once that they were in an elevator. She had never had a fear of elevators before, but standing in this tiny room made her feel sick. She leaned forward, gagging, but nothing came up.

"Get up," the man ordered, jolting her upwards. She stood and took deep breaths as they finally landed. The metal doors opened, and Cassie found dark cement and metal bars.

A prison.

Small amounts of skylight brought some light, but not enough to illuminate the murky environment completely. She stepped out slowly and quietly, turning her head to see hallways extending in several different directions. She gasped, realizing thousands of prisoners must be held here, including her family.

"Where's my family?" Cassie snapped at one of the guards.

He ignored her, and Cassie bit down on his hand. He cried out and released his hand, allowing Cassie to attempt to break free, but the other grabbed her arm again and firmly took her by the chin. She stared into his darkened eyes, anger swelling inside her.

"Don't try that again," he warned. Cassie could barely see his face hidden in the dark hood. "This way."

Cassie was forced down the cement hallway, though she struggled to break free. The men didn't seem to care anymore, knowing she could not escape. Cassie didn't want to admit it, but she knew she couldn't either. Already her limbs were growing weak, and she was gasping for breath.

She shouted and growled as she was led down the hallway, her cries echoing, but the prisoners she passed did not stir.

They turned a corner and went down another hallway. One set of metal bars was already open, and the cell inside was empty, waiting for Cassie's arrival. She did her best to struggle harder, but her strength was gone. It was too late now. She caught a quick glance of her name by the cell number as she was thrown inside, the metal bars shutting right behind her.

She stood up suddenly and gripped her hands to the metal bars.

"Come back!" Cassie shouted, rattling the bars. The men ignored her and left, but she continued rattling the bars, desperate for escape. They sat firmly in place and were packed too close for her to even squeeze her arm through.

The Spirit Guardians Book 1: EnlightenedWhere stories live. Discover now