Chapter 30

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Cassie raced through the woods, frantically trying to retrace her steps. Her tattoo continued to radiate heat with the new power she had received. She realized as she glanced down that it was practically glowing.

It was hard to believe that she had just met the Guardians and become enlightened, something that took most spiritkeepers years to do. Yet she had done so in an instant.

"I'll find them," Cassie told herself as she thought of her family. She remembered crossing this path of trees earlier in the morning. She remembered the large gray boulder on the right. Her heart was racing with excitement as she strode past the boulder, through the trees, toward the hills and facility.

Cassie rummaged through the bushes, feeling a cool breeze. She followed its direction, moving past pine trees back to grassy hills. Just beyond those hills, she saw the tall buildings of the Preserver headquarters. She'd managed to find her way back after all, and now, it was time to conduct a rescue.

Cassie took a step forward, scanning the environment. From what she saw, the hills were unoccupied. She took a deep breath and broke into a run, suddenly aware of how much danger she was putting herself in. Even then, she couldn't be too cautious. She was running out of time.

Months of training had paid off as she sprinted, wind flying past her hair and her muscles working quickly and smoothly. Up ahead, gray clouds were rolling in, turning the weather hot and humid. Today was not a day to be afraid of thunderstorms.

Cassie continued to run, the grass brushing against her legs. She suddenly heard a thud behind her and spun around, gasping.

Several guards stood there, gazing at her menacingly. She wasn't sure how she had not noticed them following her, but there was no time to think as one whizzed past her.

"Don't move. Lynch has requested to speak with you," he spat. He held a pistol in his hand, and Cassie gulped. She'd seen them use knives, but now they had guns too?

"I don't know about that," Cassie replied, inching backwards.

"Follow us, and you won't get hurt," the soldier sneered, his pistol pointed straight at her.

"You won't shoot me. Lynch needs me."

The man ignored her and shot at her foot. Cassie jumped away at the last moment before the bullet managed to lodge into her ankle.

"He needs you alive, not unharmed," the soldier explained.

Cassie paused, wondering how she'd get past the soldiers. She'd been enlightened. She was stronger than ever before. She thought of the way the soldiers moved quickly on their feet. Noticing the faintest opening between a few, she feigned a move to the right and soared left through the opening. The soldiers stared confusedly for a second before noticing she'd escaped. Cassie took off in a sprint, trying to block out the sounds of guns firing at her.

"Surrender!" she heard. "We won't hurt you!"

Cassie continued running toward the building, even if she was aware more would be there to stop her. She ran closer to the building, realizing the window ledges wouldn't be too difficult to climb. She realized there was a narrow alleyway between the buildings that she could possibly squeeze through.

The soldiers didn't seem to be shooting anymore as they pursued her since she was returning anyway. Cassie sped up, outpacing them. She rushed toward the set of buildings, running past an open gate that had most likely been opened for their return. She grinned and pressed the large red button that shut the gate, knowing it would at least buy her a few moments of time.

She raced into the alley, beginning to climb up the window ledge. It was more difficult than any tree or rock wall, but she managed to keep a grip. As soon as she began climbing, people noticed, and shrieks sounded from inside and below. Soldiers appeared below her not much later, and the guns were fired again.

The Spirit Guardians Book 1: EnlightenedWhere stories live. Discover now