Spiritkeeper Index

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Author's Note: For all confused about the world itself or in need of a refresher, I've compiled information about spiritkeepers in general here. If there are any terms I haven't covered or any questions, please note them in the comments and I will add it here.

Enlightenment: It is the goal of each spiritkeeper to become fully enlightened by going on a solo quest in nature to find the Guardians. Though they can train for years, their powers cannot be fully unlocked or used to the greatest potential until they are enlightened. This can take place as soon as they agree to become a spiritkeeper or many years later. Sometimes it takes multiple tries to become enlightened. While most spiritkeepers become enlightened, some do not in their lifetime. 

The Guardians: ten spirits that embody a specific emotion/virtue

The Guardians:

Sapientiae: wisdom, represented by an owl

Fortis: strength, represented by a bear

Virtutis: courage, represented by a cougar

Amoris: love, represented by a dove

Guadii: joy, represented by an otter

Gratiae: kindness, represented by a dolphin

Patientiae: patience, represented by a horse

Fidei: loyalty, represented by a dog

Solius: independence, represented by a cat

Veri: honesty, represented by a wolf

Guardian Appearance: Between the ages of 12-18, a Guardian will make an appearance to a young spiritkeeper. A tattoo will appear on their chest, which fades if they renounce the Guardians. The tattoo remains if they go through the ritual to become a full spiritkeeper.

Human-born: refers to spiritkeepers who are born to human parents. Though rare, circumstances like these do occur.

Human-spirit: a rare case when all ten of The Guardians manifest themselves in a single human. Enlightenment comes much easier to these spiritkeepers. Rumors about human-spirits suggest that they can predict the presence of a Guardian in another spiritkeeper before their Guardian has made its presence. Human-spirits are also rumored to be able to run into the Guardians more than once, as normal spiritkeepers only witness the Guardians during their enlightenment.

The Preservers: a group of cultists who wish to rid the spiritkeeper community of bad blood (aka human-borns). Their goal is to one day become as powerful as the Guardians. They believe that is true enlightenment, and with the power they will gain from the Guardians, their goal will be to cleanse the entire world of those without spiritkeeper blood. It was a small cult in the forests of Northern California years prior but has since grown with the leadership of Poe Lynch.

Spiritkeeper: one spirit of The Guardians is present inside each spiritkeeper, thus heightening that specific virtue in them

Spiritkeeper Gene: is dominant, even if one neglects becoming a spiritkeeper after their Guardian has made an appearance.

The Spirit Guardians Book 1: EnlightenedWhere stories live. Discover now