Chapter 18

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The last few days of July passed almost too quickly, which was odd for Cassie. She had been used to the days at the cabin feeling like an eternity, but it was already the first week of August, marking two months since her arrival.

For the most part, she'd done her normal activities, which included training, helping Lillian with Elijah, laughing with Conny, and having brief conversations with Miguel and Irene. As much as Cassie felt she and Irene were growing closer, she couldn't help but think the blonde was suspicious. Cassie noticed Irene's gaze had been following Cassie often during times of the day.

Cassie had shared this with Marc, but he assured her she was overreacting. She was still nervous despite his assurances. She quietly reminded herself that she should rather be focusing on finding her family and preparing herself for training.

Cassie sat in the kitchen in the morning, sipping a cup of coffee as the others moved throughout the house. She'd been given the day off from training after a particular intense workout the day before. She sipped on the bitter liquid and glanced at the calendar, counting the days to when she would be training.

"How many cups of coffee is that?" asked Conny.

She laughed and set it down. "One. I don't even really drink it. I hate the taste, but it keeps me up."

"Sugar? Milk?" he suggested.

"No." But Conny grabbed her cup from her anyway and threw in a tablespoon of milk and two spoonfuls of sugar.

"Try it," he promised. "Marc can drink coffee black, but I know I can't."

She nodded and took a sip, humming. Perhaps the bitterness was still there, but it was nowhere near as strong and much more creamy.

"You've never bothered trying to improve the flavor?" Conny wondered.

"I don't actually drink coffee a lot. Plus, Irene told me she didn't want me using all the sugar and milk for coffee. I've been drinking it black since I got here."

"Ah, ignore her. That's just because she likes to use all the milk and sugar for hers. Just don't do it in front of her next time."

Cassie giggled, listening to the sound of the front door open.

"What's going on?" Marc called.

"Good morning," Conny said.

"Is he bothering you?" Marc asked Cassie.

"Hey!" Conny complained.

"He's fine, he's fine," Cassie said while giggling, waving her hand.

"Conny, don't you have firewood to gather?" Marc asked.

"Shit! Thanks, bro," he said, standing up suddenly. "Bye, Cassie."

"Is firewood a big necessity?" Cassie asked Marc as Conny rushed out the door.

"He was supposed to grab some yesterday. Miguel wasn't happy to find out he hadn't done his chores."

Cassie nodded and took another sip of coffee.

"I got a letter confirming the training," Marc told her. "You're all set to go on the 23rd."

Cassie nodded, her stomach clenching a bit at the idea. Perhaps she'd told the others she was excited to train, but she was more nervous than anything else. She felt queasy all of the sudden.

"You okay?" Marc asked, noticing her change in attitude.

"I think I'm going to lie down a little bit. I just feel kind of sick," she murmured.

The Spirit Guardians Book 1: EnlightenedWhere stories live. Discover now