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Jimin waited patiently in the car until Taehyung came back signaling it was okay for him to be in the studio.

"You're so crazy, Taheyung. I though you had already asked your manger if I could be here." Jimin muttered getting out of the car.

"I knew he wouldn't have a problem with it." Taheyung grinned.

"What if he would've? It would've been so embarrassing to get called out! I can't image the shame of having to leave in front of everyone."

"There's literally like ten people here calm down."

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows annoyed as he followed Taheyung inside. "Ten people is a lot for an antisocial guy like me."

"Hey, Jiminie, it's okay." Taheyung cooed.

"Jimin!" Namjoon exclaimed running towards Jimin and picking him up into a big hug.

Jimin gladly returned the hug with a smile. "I missed you so much!" Jimin said once his feet were touching the ground again.

"Me too."

"Ever since you've become a popular photographer you don't even wanna talk to me, huh?" Jimin teased.

"Don't say nonsense now."

"Oh what is that?" Taheyung said sniffing the air. "I smell . . . love." He grinned forming a heart with his hands.

"Shut up. We've already tried and it clearly didn't work out." Jimin responded a bit embarrassed remembering everything that had happened.

"Yeah we're better off as friends." Namjoon added.

"But you guys are so cute! Just date!"

"I wish it were that easy." Jimin said rolling his eyes.

"Yeah." Namjoon nodded.

"What's so difficult about it? You two met and then you had crushes on each other so why can't you date?"

"We've already tried and found out we don't work out as a couple. It was so awkward." Jimin whispered even though Namjoon and Taheyung were right beside him.

"It was awkward. Especially when it came down to sex."

Jimin squealed turning bright pink. "Namjoon!" He said beyond embarrassed.

Taheyung bursted our laughing while Namjoon tried to contain his laughter. "I'm messing, I'm messing!"

"Taheyung, can you please get dressed? The shoot starts in an hour and you need to be ready." His manger said.

Jimin sighed relieved his manger had interrupted the whole situation. "Okay, I'm coming." Taehyung replied with a cheeky grin still plastered on his face.

Namjoon stopped smiling once he landed eyes on a man who had just entered the building. "What's he doing here?" He asked a bit breathless.

Taehyung turned around and spotted the man Namjoon was talking about. "Oh, that's Seokjin."

"I know who Seokjin is. I'm just so shocked. What is he doing here? Oh goodness he's gorgeous. He's an amazing model!"

"He's going to be my partner. You're going to photograph us."

Namjoon's mouth dropped an astonished look on his face. "I love Kim Seokjin! I'm going to die. There's no way I can photograph him without freaking out. Holy shi—"

"Tae. What's up?" Jin asked approaching the trio. Namjoon gulped nervously feeling his cheeks get warm.

"Hey, Jin. Haven't seen you in a while."

"Hey guys." Jin added bowing to Jimin and Namjoon.

"This is Jimin and this is Namjoon the photographer."

"Hello, Jimin. Are you a model too? Oh and Namjoon it's a pleasure to meet you. I don't think I've ever seen you until Taheyung's post. I've heard of your work and about you I've just never seen you. You're so young. Younger than me I bet."

Namjoon froze staring at Jin in amusement. He couldn't find the words to speak. He couldn't believe Kim Seokjin was talking to him.

"I'm not a model. Oh gosh, no, not a model. I'm just friends with Namjoon and Taehyung. I love your photographs. You're a very good model." Jimin said breaking the awkward silence.

"Why thank you." Jin responded with a smile.

Namjoon kept staring at Jin in amusement. Jin noticed the stare and he smiled awkwardly at Namjoon who was completely infatuated.

"Aren't you going to respond to, Jin?" Taehyung asked snapping Namjoon back into reality.

"T-thank you so much. It means so much to me. I'm a big fan."

Jin smiled once again, "Well I'm your fan as well. I guess this is a win-win situation for both of us huh?"

Namjoon nodded flustered with a grin.

"Taehyung! Your outfit and makeup!" His manger screamed.

"Shit. Okay I'm coming! You can take a seat there, Jimin."

Jimin sat down and waited patiently to see the shoot. Suddenly his phone vibrated and he looked down to see Yoongi's username on his screen.

He smiled so big his face could split in half. It was still so surreal. Min Yoongi actually talked to him and he couldn't wrap his head around the thought.


hey what do you think of black and white?

i like it

i haven't done a black and white photoshoot in a while

go for it :-)

maybe i could photograph you lol
not showing your face of course

oh haha
um yeah maybe

sorry that was weird

no it wasn't
it's okay


hey i will txt you in a bit
my phone has terrible signal here and my messages are taking too long to send ;(

just don't take 14 hours to reply lmao

okayyy hehe

read 1:15 p.m

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