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The waiter set two cups of coffee on the table and asked them if they wanted to order something.

"Not right now." Yoongi answered. The waiter left the table and then Yoongi turned his attention back to Jimin.

"How did you get Taehyung to cover for you?"

"We're childhood friends. He's my best friend and when I begged him to do it he couldn't say no to me. He's truly sorry for what he did and if it makes it any better. He never agreed with it."

"I still don't understand your insecurities."

"If you saw me the way I see myself you'd understand."

Yoongi pressed his lips not knowing how to respond. He would usually just tell him to suck it up and get over it, but with Jimin it was different.

He didn't want to hurt him. He tried to tell himself he didn't care but he knew he did.

"I have a few questions." Jimin said nervously.

"Oh, so now you're the one asking questions? I thought I was the one interrogating you."

"What else do you want to know? My weight? My natural hair color? By the way I'm wearing blue contacts right now but my eyes aren't blue for real! I don't want you to see me again and then wonder what happened to my eye color."

"Who said we would see each other again?"

Jimin gulped blinking quickly. "I—I just—well I assumed—I—"

Yoongi looked down silently chuckling. Was this the way Jimin always reacted to his messages?

Jimin felt himself beginning to sweat as he wiped a bit off his forehead.

Keep yourself together, Jimin. He's going to think you're a sweaty bitch.

"You're funny." Yoongi finally said. Jimin furrowed his eyebrows not knowing whether that was a compliment or an insult so he just awkwardly smiled.

Yoongi picked up his coffee cup and took a sip. Jimin then realized he had totally forgot about the coffee.

He picked it up as well and blew on it to make sure it wasn't going to burn his tongue off. "So Jimin—"

Before Yoongi could even finish his sentence Jimin was already spitting out the coffee back into the cup.

Jimin tried to play if off by putting the cup down and wiping his mouth timidly. "It's so hot! Clumsy me!"

In reality he hated the coffee. It was pure black. Jimin needed a handful of sugar to sweeten his coffee and lots of vanilla creamer too.

"You don't even like black coffee do you?"

Jimin looked at Yoongi embarrassed as he shook his head no. "I assumed it had sugar." He whispered.

"Well not everyone likes diabetes in their coffee."

"Is there a problem?" The waiter asked approaching them. He looked at the spilled coffee on the table from Jimin spitting.

Jimin quickly noticed and started cleaning it with a napkin. "Can I get some sugar please?"

"Sure thing!"

"And do you have like vanilla creamer? Or hazel nut?" He randomly asked. The waiter looked at him confused.

"Never mind. Just the sugar please."

"Vanilla? Hazel nut? That takes the whole coffee taste away." Yoongi said.

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