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"Are you sure you don't want to get off?" Taehyung asked.

"No. I'm good right here."

"You're going to have a heat stroke." Namjoon said grabbing his bag as he got out.

"I'll be fine! I just want to . . . are you sure he will be here?"

"You know, hiding in the car and waiting for Yoongi to show up isn't the best option, right? You could actually get off and talk to him." Namjoon added.

"No! I can't do that yet. He's furious with me! What if he punches me?"

"I don't think he will." Taehyung said.

"Oh, I think he would. He's punched Jungkook on the throat before!"

"My poor baby!" Taehyung shrieked.

"That's the least thing I'm worried about. What I'm worried about is the things he will say to me. I know he's going to say mean things and I can't handle that." Jimin sighed.

"I still think you should come in." Namjoon said.

Jimin shook his head. "I'll pass."

"Okay, be out in a few."

"I'm going to meet the love of my life! Wish me luck!" Taehyung grinned.

"Good luck best friend! You got it. You look so hot he won't resist you!"

Taehyung smiled, "Thanks. I can't believe he agreed to the photoshoot."

"Well technically his manager agreed."


"Taehyung come on!" His manager screamed. "Okay, okay. Hey, Jimin? If you want to come in you can, okay? My manager already knows you."

"Okay." Jimin responded. With that being said Taehyung and Namjoon closed the doors and walked towards the building.

Jimin waited patiently in the back seat and paid close attention to every car that went by. A few minutes later he spotted a black car with tinted windows.

It parked a few feet away from where Jimin was at. He leaned back in the seat to cover his face only leaving his eyes exposed. It's not like they could see him anyways because his windows were tinted as well.

When the passengers door open he spotted Jungkook. His breath hitched because he knew Yoongi was with him.

The next person to get out was another tan boy with shades. Jimin recognized him from the pictures Yoongi posted of him.

When the other boy got out the drivers door opened. As soon as he landed eyes on the pale figure Jimin's breath completely stopped.

Yoongi was wearing all black and had a black mask covering his face. He looked so effortlessly beautiful.

All of the sudden Jimin felt his whole body get warm. It was a feeling that quickly built up right in the center of his chest and he felt like he could explode. He needed to scream it out.

So he grabbed the door handle and just as he was about to open it Yoongi looked towards his direction.

It was obvious he wasn't looking at Jimin but he felt like he was staring right at him. He slowly felt his heart sink and he let go of the handle.

How could he face Yoongi after everything he did? What would he even say to him? How would he approach him?

Yoongi then turned back around and stared walking with the two male models in he building. He watched as Yoongi's figure slowly got smaller in the distance and his eyes brimmed with tears.

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