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"Hello?" Yoongi said through the phone. He couldn't believe he was actually doing this. He couldn't believe he called Jimin even after everything he did.

He couldn't believe he was about to talk to the person who catfished two times. Was this even him? Could he have gotten someone else to pretend to be him?

"Yoongi?" Jimin squealed through the phone. Yoongi's eyes widen when he heard Jimin's voice for the first time.

It was so sweet and so soft. He felt his heart palpitate a little faster. "Yeah?" He responded a little chocked up.

"Hey, I really love you. I'm sorry I know that's not how I should start a conversation I just can't hold it in any longer!" Jimin said.

"Jimin, you're high. Look for your friends." He'd be lying if he said he didn't feel his heart beat right out of his chest when he heard him say that.

"Yoongi, I'm so sad." Jimin said suddenly bursting into tears. He was still sitting alone in the dark room and his emotions suddenly heightened to the max making him a sobbing mess.

"W...hy?" Yoongi slowly asked when he heard the soft sniffles through the phone. It made his heart hurt a little.

"I just . . . I'm so sorry for everything. I know I shouldn't have lied to you. If you would see me you'd understand why I lied. You would never like me! I know you wouldn't. And how could you not like me if I pretended to be, Taehyung? He's so perfect and so handsome. There was no way you'd turn away from that."

"Jimin, I liked you! I didn't care how you looked I just wanted to meet you! Do you not comprehend that?" Yoongi said a bit angry.

"Liked? Didn't? Wanted? Does that mean you don't like me anymore?" He said with loud sobs.

Yoongi pulled his phone away from his ear a little. Jimin was really crying. Full on crying. "N—Jimin stop crying. Listen to me."

"I knew it! You hate me!" He screamed.

"No. I don't."

"You do. That's why you keep ignoring me. Do you know how sad I feel without you?"

"Did you ever consider how I felt being lied to? Did you ever consider that maybe I stopped talking to you because I'm hurt?"

Jimin suddenly stopped sobbing and wiped his tears with the back of his hands. "I'm sorry. The last thing I'd want is to ever hurt you." Jimin whispered feeling his throat close up again.

Yoongi sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose. He was about to say something when Jimin spoke up again.

"Are you dating, Jennie? It's okay if you are. It really is. I mean I get that you moved on I would've probably done the same in your shoes."

"Jennie and I—"

Before he could finish his sentence Jimin heard Jennie's voice in the background. "Yoongi? Who are you talking to huh? Ooh!" She squealed laughing.

"Shut up, go over there." Yoongi whispered embarrassed.

"Is that her? Let me speak to her! I want to tell her she better treat you right. She needs to know you need a lot of loving! And—and that you need to be hugged a lot, and cuddled, and be fed, and everything!" Jimin said.

Yoongi walked out of the room and closed to the door behind so he could be alone again. Jimin was still blabbing like a baby.

"Hey! Can you stop? Listen to me. You're really hard headed you know? Is this your first time being high? Or are you just this chatty all the time?"

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