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"I can't send this message. Wait am I desperate for sending two messages?" Jimin asked Namjoon.


"Yes." Taehyung interrupted.

Jimin frowned at him and turned his attention back to his phone. Namjoon, who was sitting in the back seat with Jimin, took his phone.

"It won't send. Why didn't he reply to my first one?" Jimin asked panicked.

"Maybe he didn't see it." Namjoon said trying to resend the second message.

"Hey, are we going to go eat or what? I'm starving! I heard they have really good chicken at this place." Taehyung said turning around to look at them both.

Jimin and Namjoon completely ignored him and Taehyung groaned turning back around. He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel waiting patiently.

Suddenly, he saw a pale boy walk out of the restaurant.

"Hey, isn't that . . .?" He leaned in a little closer trying to get a better view. Jungkook then walked out and wrapped his arm around him.

Taehyung's mouth dropped when he recognized them both. He felt his heart beating loudly over his chest. He was frozen and unable to move.

Yoongi looked in Taehyung's direction then Jungkook did as well. Taehyung leaned closer to his window which were too tinted to give away who he was.

Another boy walked out and they all got in a car. Taheyung finally came to his senses.

"That's Jeon Jungkook and Min Yoongi!"

Jimin immediately leaned closer trying to get a glance. "What? Where?" Jimin screamed.

"Right there! That car driving away!"

"You're tripping." Namjoon said.

"I swear on my fucking lungs that was Jeon Jungkook and Min motherfucking Yoongi. I swear! There's no way I wouldn't recognize that pale boy and Jungkook's beauty!"

"Holy fucking shit. I missed it!" Jimin screamed leaning back.

"You should've seen them!"

"If you're joking with me that's cruel!" Jimin screamed.

"Let's go inside. Come on. I'll prove to you I wasn't kidding." Taehyung got out of his car and Jimin and Namjoon followed him behind.

"Excuse me, ma'am." Taehyung begun. The lady at the front desk gulped nervously. She recognized him of course.

"Who were those three gentleman that just walked out?"

"They were umm . . . I'm sorry. I'm a big fan! You're great! And you too sir!" She giggled pointing to, Namjoon.

"Thank you." Namjoon and Taehyung both said I'm sync.

"It's like every famous person wants to come in today! Min Yoongi, Jeon Jungkook and Jung Hoseok were just in here! I got their autographs!" She said excitedly putting up a piece of paper.

"What? Let me see that shit." Jimin said snatching away the paper. His eyes widen when he recognized the signature. It was Yoongi's for sure.

"Hey that's mine!" She said quickly taking it back. Jimin was left with completely shock.

"Can I have your signatures too?" She asked taking out her pen.

"Sure. Thanks for the support, love." Taehyung said signing her sheet. The girl turned a few shades of red and covered her mouth to prevent giggles from escaping her mouth.

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