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Jimin sighed as he scanned the last item and placed it in a bag. He forced himself to smile as he looked up to the guy.

"Your total is—"

Before Jimin could finish his sentence the man handed him the money. Jimin took it and cashed him out.

"Have a great one!" Jimin said in a fake tone as the guy exited.

"Hey Jimin?" His coworker spoke.


"Can I go to lunch first? I know you usually go right now, but something came up and I need to go. Please? I will repay you the favor."

"It's fine don't worry. I'll stay." Jimin responded.

She smiled, "Thank you, thank you! I will let the manager know, okay?"

"Okay." Jimin said as she sprinted to the managers office. Seconds later she walked out and smiled at Jimin as she left the store.

Jimin really didn't want to wait an extra hour to go to lunch but he couldn't say no to his coworker.

His stomach was already growling because it was used to being fed around this time. He dug in his pocket and pulled out a piece of candy he had and stuck in his mouth.

Then he started readjusting his name tag that that was miserably uneven. He took it off and just as he was about to put it on the bell rung indicating a customer had walked in.

Jimin rolled his eyes annoyed. It was nothing against the customers or his job. He just wasn't in the mood.

Ever since the Yoongi thing happened he was extra emotional and angry. As soon as he turned around he almost chocked on his candy.

He started coughing and spit the candy out. Jungkook stared at the boy without blinking. "Hey man are you okay?" Jungkook finally asked.

Jimin cleared his throat his cheeks reddening. "I'm okay." He answered.

His heart started beating out of his chest. He saw Yoongi entering the store. Jimin held his breath unable to move.

Yoongi was looking down at his phone but Jimin was beyond flustered. Yoongi was right there. Right in front of his face. Just a few feet away.

Yoongi's phone started ringing and he groaned loudly stepping back out of the store. Jimin observed him from the glass door completely compelled.

"Excuse me?" Jungkook spoke up.

Jimin suddenly snapped out of it and exhaled deeply. He finally realized he had been holding his breath and completely ignoring Jungkook.

"Yes? Sorry. I'm sorry I got uhh distracted. How—How can I help you?" Jimin asked glancing at Yoongi outside.

"I need some condoms."

Jimin's eyes widen when he heard Jungkook say that. He immediately looked at him with a bright red face.

"W-what?" A flustered red-cheeked Jimin asked.

"I need some condoms." Jungkook calmly repeated.

Jimin blinked several times trying to process it. Why was Jungkook asking for that? Was he going to buy them for the trip? Were they for Yoongi and Jennie?

The sudden thought of Yoongi and Jennie made Jimin sick to his stomach. His whole body heat up with jealousy.

"What? Why—why do you need condoms? For what?" Jimin blurt out.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows confused. "Wait what?"

He cleared his throat noticing how angry he had sounded. "I—I mean umm, we don't—we don't have condoms."

Jungkook smiled making Jimin suddenly flustered. "They're right there." He said pointing behind him.

Jimin internally cursed as he looked at the boxes of condoms behind him. "How many do you need?" He whispered looking down.

"Hmmm, give me ten packs size xtra large."

Ten packs?

"Does the brand matter?" Jimin mumbled feeling his mood deflate. The amount of anger he was feeling was beyond explainable.

"Nope. Any brand is fine." Jungkook responded.

Jimin grabbed the shittest brand so they'd be uncomfortable to wear. Then he thought about it. If they were uncomfortable then what if Yoongi remove them and then get Jennie pregnant?

He put the packs back and started grabbing the most expensive ones. While he was battling with the condom bags Yoongi walked back and stood beside Jungkook.

Yoongi glanced at Jimin's back while he was picking the bags. His phone buzzed again indicating another text from Hoseok.

He couldn't wait to surprise Hoseok with the party. His girlfriend and him were going to be stoked. Especially when they saw the packs of condoms.

"How many packs did you get?" Yoongi asked looking at Jungkook.

"Ten." Jungkook giggled covering his mouth.
He seemed more mature about while being alone but now that Yoongi was with him he felt like such a little kid.

Jimin stopped grabbing the packs when he heard Yoongi's voice behind him.

"Maybe you should get more, like twelve."

"Hey sir? Get two extra packs." Jungkook called.

Jimin blinked several times and reached to get two extras. He took a deep breath before turning around ready to face Yoongi face to face.

When he did turn around Yoongi was too busy texting to even acknowledge him. He was smiling at his phone and Jimin became ill.

He didn't want no one to make him smile like that. He wanted to be the only reason Yoongi smiled. Was that selfish? It certainly was, but he didn't care.

"I'll wait for you in the car." Yoongi mumbled with a smile while walking away.

Jimin's face turned red. His stomach heated up at Yoongi's action. He was too busy on his phone to even notice him.

His eyes started filling up with tears as he swallowed the knot on his throat. "Park! Are you going to cash him out?" Jimin's manager said coming behind him.

Jimin looked down and scanned the twelve packs of condoms and then bagged them. He quietly told Jungkook his total and waited for him to pay.

After Jungkook paid he handed him the bag and whispered a "have a good one". Jungkook smiled taking the bag.

"Thank you. Have a good one too."

With that being said he walked to the exit door and left. Jimin saw a blue car leaving the parking lot and his heart sunk a little more.

He was so insignificant that Yoongi didn't even look at him once.

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