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"I don't want chicken." Jimin mumbled as he got off the car.

"You love chicken though!" Namjoon said shocked.

"I'm not hungry."

"We need to fix this. I mean it's taking your hunger away and you don't even want to eat chicken? That's so crazy! Who doesn't eat chicken?" Taehyung asked astonished.

"I just want Yoongi to speak to me again!" Jimin said desperately. He buried his face in Namjoon's chest hugging him tightly.

"Why can't I look like you? Why can't I look like Tae? Why can't I be confident enough?"

Namjoon rubbed Jimin's back as he wrapped his hands around his tiny frame. Sometimes Jimin acted like a child, but that was okay.

He just needed a lot of loving and understanding. Not many people provided him with that.

"Hey, you're beautiful okay? I don't want you to bring yourself down. What you did was very wrong but think about it this way. This will teach you a lesson. Time will help you heal." Namjoon cooed.

"I just . . . I can't." Jimin sighed pulling away. His eyes were filled with tears but he sighed blinking them away.

"Let's just go eat, alright? A fully belly will make your heartache better." Taehyung said.

"I highly doubt that, but okay."

They walked in the restaurant and the girl at the front was looking down. She sneezed into her elbow and looked up.

"Irene!" Taheyung said with a smile.

Irene immediately straightened up a blush creeping in her cheeks. "Oh my gosh! Hello! You guys remember me?"

"Impossible to forget you." Namjoon responded.

Irene grinned from ear to ear. "Wow! I can't believe you're back! I'm so glad I did show up for work today. I thought about quitting because my manager won't give me a day off and I'm so sick! Don't worry I'm not contagious anymore I just feel extremely tired. That's why I look so horrible right now I'm sorry." She apologized.

"I don't see anything horrible do you guys?" Taehyung asked. Namjoon and Jimin both shook their head no.

"Aw! Stop it!" She giggled covering her face.

"Also thanks for commenting and liking my post! I tried to find you in Instagram but I i couldn't find you." Irene said looking at Jimin.

"Oh, ummm, I don't do social media." Jimin said quietly.

"Bummer! A pretty face like yours should be seen."

"That's what we tell him everyday." Namjoon said.

Jimin felt his cheeks redden. "Can I please get a picture? I know I look really bad, but I'd still like one!"

Taehyung and Namjoon approached Irene while Jimin stayed behind. "I'll take the picture."

"No way! You need to be here too." She said holding her hand out. Irene handed the phone to a waitress to snap a picture.

After the picture Irene gushed staring at her phone. "Can I please take a picture of you?"
She asked Jimin.


"Yes. Please! Please! My friend would adore you. I have to show her."

Jimin felt his face redden. "Come on you're going to say no to a fan?" Taehyung teased.

"If you say no you'd be a real douche." Namjoon added.

He stared at both of them, but then turned to Irene with a smile. "Alright. I suppose that's okay? I just . . . I don't know what to do."

"Just smile!" Taehyung said poking his stomach.

Jimin looked up trying to contain his laughter. "Perfect!" Irene said. "What?" Jimin asked unaware that she had already taken a photo.

"Irene! Are you going to sit these gentlemen down or not?" A man asked.

Irene quickly put her phone away and grabbed three menus and silverware. "Follow me please." She said leading them to a table.

"That's my manager. He's a real asshole." Irene whispered as soon as they sat down. "Anyways, I'll call your waiter right over. Thank you for the pictures! You guys are awesome and super talented. Okay, bye."

"She's so adorable." Taehyung said glancing at the menu.

"She is."

"I wish i were famous like you guys. Did you see the way she looked at me? She looked at me with so much admiration." Jimin mumbled.

"Well you are super adorable and amazing so obviously she's going to look at you with admiration." Namjoon said.

"Oh stop it." Jimin giggled playfully smacking him.

"Hey, I talked to Jungkook." Taehyung randomly blurted.

"What? Really?"

"Yeah. It wasn't like I envisioned our first message conversation. Like I had always pictured he'd message me first and say something like 'you look so hot in that pic you posted, I want to kiss your face.' And instead I told him to tell Yoongi that you and I were really sorry and that I hope one day he will give you the chance to explain."

"You really did that? For me?" Jimin asked astonished.

"I did."

"Oh Tae! That makes me so happy. Maybe Yoongi will talk to me now. Thank you!"

"You're welcome. I mean I can't stand to see you so droopy and sad."

"I love you."

"Yeah, yeah. Me too." Taehyung replied with a smile.

"Hey, I might can arrange a meeting with Jungkook." Namjoon said.

"What? How?"

"I need to photograph two male models for a clothing line. I mean if you're manger is okay and if his manger is okay I could do you guys. I was going to pick Jin, but it seems like you really want to meet Jungkook in person." Namjoon said.

"Yes! I really, really, want to!"

"Great. I'll talk to your manger and his."

"Wow. I love this." Taehyung said excitedly.

"Maybe you can arrange a meeting with Yoongi and convince him to forgive me." Jimin joked.

"I don't know about that."

"I know." He sighed sadly.

"I think he will talk to you again." Taehyung encouraged.

Jimin looked down at his phone and bit his lip nervously.

"I highly doubt that."

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