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As soon as Taehyung opened the door Jimin abruptly wrapped his arms around him.

"You have to help me, Taehyung! You have to!" He said burying his head on his chest.

"Jimin! Why would you lie to Yoongi again? That's even more fucked up! You do realize now you've lied to him twice, right? And it's not even a little white lie it's a deadass big lie. You've tricked him about your identify twice!"

"Taehyung please! I really like him please. Please don't ruin this for me." Jimin said eagerly.

"If I pretend to be you how will that help you huh?"

"I don't know! It can buy me time to think what else to do. Please help me!" Jimin insisted.

"Jimin, I—"

"You have literally five minutes! You need to call him." Jimin gasped pulling away.

"I'm not going to do that." Taehyung said.

Jimin felt the tears in his eyes. "Taehyung!" He yelped hugging him once again. "Please do this for me! Please! Just this one time!"

Taehyung sighed not knowing how to respond. Jimin sounded so desperate and Taehyung couldn't say no to his best friend.

"Fine. Just today but then you actually have to tell him the truth."

"Yes! Thank you, thank you!" Jimin said pulling away. He dug in his pocket and pulled out a folded piece of notebook paper.

"I need you to please ask Yoongi these questions when you call him. I've also wrote down things you shouldn't say and how to speak to him. Can you change your shirt? No offense, but I want you too look professional."

Taehyung took the piece of paper and started reading it.

Question: How was your day?

Answer: I'm doing good, Yoongi! I'm finally glad to see you face to face even if it's through a screen! (Laugh at this moment, but a cute laugh not a forced one) I'm so glad you're doing good too!

Question: How're you doing?

Answer: (if he's doing good) wow I'm glad you're doing good! I'm doing great myself! Just been busy with work you know.
(If he's doing bad) I'm so sorry to hear that! Cheer up! It'll all get better trust me!

Taehyung stopped reading and glanced at Jimin. "These are stupid questions and stupid answers."

"They are not!" Jimin replied offended.

"They are too." Taehyung groaned.

"Where's your laptop? I'll go ahead and call him you go change."

Taehyung sighed as he walked to his room. He picked a random blue shirt from his closet and walked back out to the living room.

"It's calling! Hurry up and put your shirt on! I'll be right in front of you." Jimin said quickly moving away from the computer camera.

Taehyung took his shirt off and just as he was about to put it on Yoongi responded.


Jimin covered his mouth when he heard Yoongi's voice through the screen. It was so beautiful and so deep.

Taehyung quickly put on his shirt and plastered on the couch. "Hey. I'm Jimin—Taehyung. I'm Taehyung. Hi." He awkwardly said.

Yoongi chuckled. "It's a typo huh?"

Jimin nodded his head hoping Taehyung would see him, but Taehyung kept staring at the screen confused.


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