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Yoongi sighed staring at the picture on his screen.

"There it is again! You keep looking at your phone and pouting what's the matter?" Jungkook asked.

"Nothing." Yoongi replied quickly locking his phone.

"No I agree with Kook, something's wrong. Come on tell us we're like your best friends." Hoseok insisted.

"Can we just eat in peace? Also take that damn picture down, Jungkook."

"No. I want the culprit to feel guilty!"

"I don't want everyone to know my business! Do you know how many people messaged me? Including Jennie. My followers are freaking out about the post. There's like conspiracy theories going around about me. It's insane! Take it down."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Nah. Not until you tell us who's making you upset."

"Junguuk, I will post the most embarrassing picture of you."

Jungkooks shrugged uninterested, "You're acting like I care."

"Agh, fucking shit. Just take it down!"

"Nope. I support Jungkook all the way." Hoseok said.

"Wow. You two are pieces of shit."

"But you love us." Hoseok said poking Yoongi's stomach.

"I will chop your hand off." Yoongi warned.

Hoseok quickly pulled away straightening himself up.

"So? What's the matter?"

Yoongi didn't speak debating whether he should tell his friends or not. He felt the need to get it off his chest and he knew keeping it in would only make it worse.

"I started talking to someone."

Jungkook and Hoseok both looked at each other and then at Yoongi.

"What? Why didn't you tell us?" Jungkook exclaimed offended.

"Because it was no big deal at first. I didn't realize I actually liked this person until 2 days ago."

"That's great! Why does that make you upset?" Hoseok wondered.

"It's . . . okay, it's really complicated. She's one of my followers. She always comments on every picture and likes every post I make. Her profile caught my attention and I messaged her. She messaged back and we started talking. She made her profile public and I obviously went through her pictures. She posts pictures of her body, but not her face—"

"Oh no that already sounds like a catfish." Jungkook interrupted.

"Listen, listen, after that we kept talking. I really enjoy talking to this person, but I had to know them, you know? So a few days ago after several weeks of talking and not seeing her face at all I asked her if she could show me her face. She freaked out and said she wasn't wearing makeup. So I told her we'd send each other a picture of our face the next day at 5:12–"

"What the fuck? Why at 5:12?"

"Hoseok can you and Jungkook stop interrupting me? I'm trying to explain!"

Hoseok and Jungkook both nodded, "Okay, okay. Continue."

"So finally the next day I sent her a picture of my face and she did too."

"Let us see!" They both said at the same time.

Yoongi glanced at both of them wondering if he should really do it. Finally, after overthinking it so much he pulled out his phone to show them the picture.

"She's gorgeous!"

"She is! How's that upsetting?"

"It's going to sound completely stupid, but when I talked to Jimin—"

"Jimin? Whoa, whoa, who's Jimin?"

"She's Jimin. According to her it's a name for both genders. Anyways, her name doesn't matter, well it does, but I'm not upset because of her name!"

"You're not explaining yourself at all." Hoseok said picking up a cup of tea and bringing it to his mouth.

"When I talked to Jimin I didn't expect her to look like that. She's very stunning, very attractive, and super cute. I just don't picture her as the person talking to me. The things she says and her personality doesn't fit her image. It sounds stupid as hell, trust me I know, I just can't ignore it. Every time I talked to her I always pictured someone different."

"How did you exactly picture her?" Jungkook asked.

Yoongi didn't speak he just remained quiet. He tried to think of how he pictured Jimin, but he couldn't bring a picture to mind. It's not like every time they spoke he created an image for Jimin—because he didn't—he just didn't picture her to look like that.

How did he exactly picture Jimin?

He didn't even know himself.

"I don't know." He finally replied.

"Maybe you're just in shock because she's so cute." Jungkook said.


"Have you spoken to her since?" Hoseok asked.

Yoongi shook his head no. As crazy as it sounded he felt weird talking to Jimin again. He just found it so difficult for her to look like that.

Why was he making a huge deal about it?

"What? Why? She's super cute and you like her don't you? Talk to her." Jungkook encouraged.

"Ugh, I don't know."

Seconds after saying that his phone vibrated. He glanced at his screen and saw a message from, Jimin.

are you ok? haven't heard from you in a couple days, just making sure!

He couldn't deny that his heart fluttered at the message. Maybe Jungkook was right hand he was just in shock because she's too cute.

"Are you guys ready? Rose, is waiting for me." Hoseok asked.

"Yeah, you don't Yoongi?" Jungkook asked.

Yoongi looked away from his phone and nodded. "Huh? Yeah. I'm done."

"You didn't even touch your chicken it was so good!" Hoseok said grabbing a piece of chicken from Yoongi's untouched plate.

"Agh, whatever let's go." Yoongi mumbled walking towards the exit.

"You got the ticket right?" Jungkook asked Hoseok. Before Hoseok could even answer he walked out after, Yoongi.

"I guess I do." Hoseok responded with a frown.

"Come on cheer up." Jungkook said once he wrapped his arm around, Yoongi.

"I'll be okay. It's such a stupid reason to be upset either way."

Yoongi opened the door and stuffed his phone in his pocket. He glanced at a car that was parked a few blocks away. Yoongi couldn't see the guy in the driver seat but he knew he was looking.

"Does that car seem familiar to you?" Yoongi asked Jungkook.

Jungkook titled his head and looked at the car. The driver suddenly moved closer to the window. The windows were so tinted Jungkook couldn't see him, but the driver could.


"Oh. Let's go then. Where's Hoseok?"

"I'm here. You guys owe me." Hoseok said putting his wallet away.

"Yeah, yeah, let's go." Yoongi said pulling out his car keys. They got in the car and Yoongi started driving away.

He felt his phone vibrate again and he suddenly wondered if, Jimin was the one messaging him.

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