Chapter 4 :)

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Kyuhyun’s POV:

Today was Saturday so I decided to stay at home and chill because I don’t even like going outside, some days it’s too hot, some days it’s too cold, some days it too windy and some days I’m just too lazy dozing off in my sleep.

*In Kyuhyun’s Bedroom*

‘Knock, knock’ I heard a knock on my door.

Come in – Kyuhyun

It’s just me – Donghae

Oh, hey hyung – Kyuhyun

Wanna go with me to the skate park? – Donghae

Nah, I’m alright hyung, you go have fun without me – Kyuhyun

Are you going to go with you bare foot or am I going to have to drag you – Donghae

I don’t want tooo hyung~ *ageyo* - Kyuhyun

Come here or I’ll drag you, you never go outside and that’s bad for your health – Donghae

But hyunggggggg~~ - Kyuhyun

No buts – Donghae

Who thinks staying in the house is bad for your health, I mean I study and that makes me smarter, do you think going to see dumb people skateboard is going to make you smarter, ok maybe I lied, seeing people skateboard is awesome but it’s just I never even wanted to go.

*At the skate park*

It’s so hot today, how can these people even skate?!

I was sitting quietly under a tree to avoid the hotness and sun. I peacefully taking a nap until something incredibly loud woke me up.


I woke up seeing who the person was screaming and I saw someone sitting in the sun with some lemonade, someone with plaited hair and a cute face. My vision was still blurry from just waking up so I couldn’t really see her properly. When my vision was just coming back, she looked beautiful, beautiful to shine the world. Wait……… what?! I started remembering the face, the face that I brought dumplings to, I can’t believe I called her cute, what was I thinking.

Yoonji’s POV:

I was screaming and screaming because I would always fangirl when I saw handsome guys skate. I was screaming so loud that even my relatives could hear it. After awhile screaming my lungs out, I decided to stop and take a break to drink my lemonade before the ice melts. Such good time to have lemonade and watching people skate not to mention HANSOME guys. Before I could return to screaming again someone came to me and looked to me in the eyes not saying a thing.

Yes?? – Yoonji

Do I know you? – Kyuhyun

You’re the one that came here – Yoonji

Is your name Yoonji? – Kyuhyun

Yeah and I remember you, you’re the guy that bought me dumplings – Yoonji

So you do remember J - Kyuhyun

Why wouldn’t I, you’re the one I remember the most cause your so annoying – Yoonji

Anyways what are you doing? – Kyuhyun

I like this sort of stuff – Yoonji

You do?! – Kyuhyun

Yeah what’s wrong with that – Yoonji

I mean isn’t girls meant to like well girly stuff? – Kyuhyun

I’m not that type of that girl – Yoonji

You look like one – Kyuhyun

Cause my mum likes me to look elegant – Yoonji

So if you’re like a tomboy, do you have like friends that are boys? – Kyuhyun

Donghae is the only one – Yoonji

How did you two meet? – Kyuhyun

Look are you doing an interview here cause you’re asking a lot of question, like a lot?! – Yoonji

I just wanna know you properly – Kyuhyun

Wae?! – Yoonji

Never mind and go back to being normal – Kyuhyun

I am a normal person – Yoonji

*coughs* no you’re not – Kyuhyun

BWO?! – Yoonji

Nothing, nothing – Kyuhyun

Just enjoy the show and be quiet before I beat you up!- Yoonji

The rest of the day I watched the skate board show with Kyuhyun and talked about…………Stuff.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you guise for reading *cuddles you*

As you know my updating time is on Wednesday mostly.

Please keep reading and supporting my story that would be appreciated.

Love you guise *HUGS AGAIN* <3 

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