🌖Chapter 18🌖

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"Hey ,"
I heard blurrily as I felt my body being shook.
"Hey,hey get up."
I groaned . I sat up tiredly and adjusted my eyes to the dim sky.
"W-what time is it." I asked.

"Around 8, come on get up!"

I groaned as stood up and stretched.

"There's a bonfire on the beach tonight lets get going." Tae threw clothes at me he had picked from my room.

"Really this top and these-"

"Hurry up it'll be burnt out if you don't" he laughed as he cut me off.

I put the clothes on over my bikini and we walked down to the beach.
"Wow." I gasped when I saw the huge flame. It glowed orange , yellow , red and tinted blue at the top as it stretched up into the sky.

We walked over until we were at least 20m behind everyone else and the sand around us was dark.

I hugged my knees in the cold.
"Are you cold?" He asked.

"Yeah, a little." I shuddered.

"Will we get closer?" He asked. My heart skipped a beat. "Yeah sure." I hoped ny nerves wouldn't break through.

I scooted my self over a bit closer to him.

His face filled with confusion before he laughed.
  "Ehm I- I meant to the fire." He scratched his head while smiling .

My whole body glowed red as I quickly shuffled away. "Oh! Oh! Ehm sorry." I blushed as I covered my face with my hands.

"No its ok." He laughed as he moved closer to me . I felt his hand wrap around my waist as he gently pulled me closer to his body. I rested my head on his shoulder and my hands fell into his lap as his hand wrapped around my waist and the other held the knee of my leg resting on his. His head rested against mine.
We were so close I could almost hear his heart beating .

"Thanks for keeping me company on this last holiday."
I smiled happily. "Thank you too."

"Can I ask you a favour?" He asked , as he let go of me and we broke apart slightly, looking into each others eyes. I felt ny heart race and my palms become sweaty. "Yeah?" I answered.

"Well , its not really a favour more of a question."
"Uh huh..." I pressed eagerly.

"Will you be my g-"
We both jumped as we were startled.
"What the!?" I whispered as a shouting figure ran towards us. My eyes strained against the dark sky.

"Great." I sighed when my eyes adjusted as I saw my own brother struggling towards us.

"W-who?" Tae asked confused .

"Chunjaaa when are you coming home ?" He pouted with an evil smirk.

"And who's that." He crossed his arms as he turned to Tae.

"Uh-haha, I'm Taehyung , your neighbour ." Tae smiled .

My brother unfolded his arms . "Oh." He shuffled , a bit embarrassed.

"You should go back to mum and dad okay?" I pressed as I gave him a serious stare .

He smirked and kicked some sand at me . "Ok I'm going now !" He laughed as he ran off , leaving me and Tae brushing sand off my lap and hair.

"Little brat!" I cursed as I swatted off the sand .

"Well , that's what siblings are like unfortunately !"

"He's just a brat." I sighed as I turned back to Tae. "Anyway, What were you about to say?" I asked, trying desperately to reset the mood.

He shook his head and smiled faintly .

We strolled back to the cabin half an hour later.

"Hungry?" Tae asked as he leant out of the fridge.
"Hmmm, not really but I'll eat!" I sighed as I flung my tired body onto the sofa and watched Tae making a sandwich.

"What were you going to ask me earlier on the beach?" I asked curiously.
He froze for a split second before resuming.

"Oh - eh - nothing , It was nothing."
I furrowed my brow. A part of me told me there was something.
"Oh. Ok." I hid my dissapointment.

We lay in our usual position and watched TV as we eat sandwiches . Lying on top of eachother had become some what normal to us now.

"Tastes good." I chuckled.

"Why thank you." He smiled proudly.

The TV program and the sandwiches finished quickly.
"I'm going to bed." I heaved as I tiredly lifted myself off the sofa.

"Noooo." I heard softly behind me, as a hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me back down softly catching me by surprise.

"You go to sleep way to early , I thought you were insomniac." He smiled.

I lay back down to where I was. "Hmm," I sighed tiredly , closing my eyes into his chest. 

"Oh look roommate is on wake up!" He shook me.

"Hmmm stop" I groaned as I smiled.
It felt like the whole world stopped  in  that moment. I felt like the happiest and luckiest girl alive . Safe , happy and warm lying in the arms of a boy I got to know and bond with so quickly .

It was that moment I believe I started to fall in love with Kim Taehyung....

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