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                      stan's pov  the school day is going by so fast, and i still haven't gotten a chance to talk to y/n

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                      stan's pov
  the school day is going by so fast, and i still haven't gotten a chance to talk to y/n. i caught glances of her in the hallway every once in awhile, but she seemed to be ignoring everyone around her.

  i don't blame her, though. most of the kids here are stuck up, spoiled brats.

  i was currently in my last class of the day, history. lucky for me, y/n is in this class with me. but she sits all the way on the other side of the room, closest to the classroom door. i plan on talking to her once class is over, if i can catch her before she leaves.

"mr.uris!" my teacher yelled, causing me to snap my head in her direction.

she gave me a warning look, which i knew meant that she was serious.

"i'm sorry ma'am, it won't happen again." i told her, hearing the snickering of my classmates.

the teacher nodded before turning her back to face the chalkboard. i sighed out of relief, when suddenly the bell rang.

"you're dismissed. have a good weekend, and prepare for your test on monday!"

i paid no attention to what she said, only watching as y/n hurriedly grabbed her things and made her way out of the classroom.
"shit." i muttered to myself, seeing as she was already out of my sight.

i quickly threw all my stuff together before hurrying out the door and to my locker, putting everything in my backpack as fast as i could.

"woah, stan the man, what's the rush for?" richie stood infront of me as he pulled his stuff from his locker.

"i gotta find y/n," i exhaled.

"i saw her walking towards the library. i waved at her but-" eddie came to halt as i moved around him and towards the library.

i could hear the other losers yelling at me, but i also knew that knowing richie, he'd be watching from outside the library as i spoke to y/n.

  as i stood outside the large wooden doors to the library, i looked through the small glass windows, spotting y/n almost immediately. i should've know that she'd be here, she's always been a big reader.

i pulled on the cold metal handle, stepping inside and making sure the door shut behind me quietly. i didn't want to draw any attention to myself.

                       your pov
i stood infront one of the tall bookshelves in the school library, trying to reach a book that was just out of my reach.

i sighed, running a hand through my hair as i looked for something to step on.

"here," a familiar voice came from behind, and when i looked over my shoulder, i saw none other than my old friend stanley uris.

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