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                       your pov  the walk to the quarry wasn't too long, ten minutes at the most

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                       your pov
the walk to the quarry wasn't too long, ten minutes at the most. it was a nice walk, mainly consisting of stan trying to get me to laugh anyway possible.

let's just say that by the time we reached the quarry, my stomach hurt from laugh so hard.

before i saw the other losers, stan grabbed my arm and turned me towards him. there was a stupid smile on his face, probably because he was so proud of himself for making me laugh.

though it was a stupid smile, i had to admit that it made my heart flutter. he was adorable.

"i hope you don't mind, i already explained your situation to the guys," his voice broke through, "i just didn't want you to be overwhelmed with a bunch of questions."

i smiled at this, pulling him into a hug. he seemed hesitant at first, but after a few seconds he wrapped his hands around me.

"thanks, stan."
just as i spoke, the other losers began yelling for us to come over. stanley released me from his grip, giving a smile before i turned to face the other guys.

"y/n, doll, you haven't aged a day!" richie spoke in a terrible british accent.

i laughed as stan rolled his eyes.
"really? well you have." i shot back, a shit eating grin appearing on the other boys' faces.

"still feisty, i see." richie sighed, shoving eddie for snickering at him.

"the pleasure is all mine, tozier." i grinned, before moving on to say hello to eddie.

"still carry around that fannypack?" i questioned him.

"it has and will come in handy many times, especially when richie decides to be a dumbass and hits on some chick, resulting in a busted lip." he replied.

i laughed at this, richie wacking the bag of eddie's head with his hand. i turned to bill, smiling at him.

"and of course bill," i spoke, ignoring the mini ramble going on between richie, eddie, and stan.

"g-glad t-to ha-ve yo-u b-back, y-y/n." he replied.

"i don't plan on leaving again," i sighed, "but, anyways, can we just get in ready? it's so fucking hot today."

i heard the boys chuckle, and i quickly threw my shirt over my head and slipped my pants off, leaving me in my swimsuit which i had put on under my clothes.

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