- s e v e n -

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                       your pov the entire evening had been stressful and tormenting, per usual

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                       your pov
the entire evening had been stressful and tormenting, per usual. but i never expected it to take such a drastic turn.

it all started at about four o'clock. i had been sat in my room, studying for some test when i first heard the sirens.

at first i ignored them, seeing as my part of town was pretty bad, so it wasn't all that odd to have the police around. but after a few seconds of the sirens nearing, i could see the flashing lights from right outside my bedroom window.

i gulped, watching as another police car pulled up, and three officers got out. then i heard todd's loud and obnoxious footsteps, quickly heading towards my room. 

i watched as my wooden door slammed open, and todd grabbed me by the hair, pulling me close enough so that i could smell the alcohol on him. i clenched my eyes shut as he leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"hide, bitch. one noise out of you, and i swear to christ i will not hesitate to blow your brains out."

i nodded ferociously as todd dropped me from his grip. i swiftly hid underneath my desk, watching from the dark as todd retreated back down the stairs and towards the door, where loud knocks were echoing out.

  i listened as todd began speaking to the officers at our door, though i couldn't make out much of what they were saying.

my mind suddenly wandered to mom. where was she? was she hiding, too? was she passed out, wasted somewhere in the house?

that caused me to worry even more than i already had been. god, todd is really going to be angry after this. if there is an "after this".

my train of thought was cut off as todd's voice grew louder, along with the officer's.

"you come any closer and i will put a bullet in her brain, i'm warning you!"

"he's armed!"

"sir, please-"

adrenaline overcame me, and even though I shouldn't have, i raced down the stairs, standing behind todd, seeing that he had a gun pressed to mom's temple.

todd nor mom seemed to notice me, but the officers did. one of them locked eyes with me, telling me to get out of the way, but i couldn't. i was frozen. all that adrenaline suddenly disappeared and i became paralyzed, scared.

my chest heaved up and down swiftly, a tight cramping arising. i wasn't focused on anything that the people were saying, i couldn't. it was all too much. 

all i could hear was the utterly familiar sound of mom whimpering underneath todd's vile touch.

"drop the gun! drop it now, drop it!"

"that's it!"

and that was it. A horrific, loud bang and a ringing noise, was enough to finish it all. my eyes widened and welled with tears, my jaw clenching shut. blood was splattered all over my face, my mother's blood.

before i could even say anything, another shot was fired, and todd fell to the ground a top my mother, his blood splattering up and down my clothes.

they were dead. and i could do nothing but stand there and stare, with blood covering me from head to toe. i stared down at the two lifeless bodies infront of me, and i began to crumble.

                third person pov
y/n didn't know how to feel. officers rushed to her, quickly removing her from her childhood home, which had became a living hell during the past few years.

"don't fucking touch me!" she croaked as an officer attempted to rest his hand on her shoulder.

the officers, of course, understood it was all a shock, so they did as y/n had asked and didn't lay a finger on her.

they did however take her out of the house and had her checked over by the paramedics before telling her that they are going to take her back to the police station with them.

"let's wipe that blood off of you, yeah?" one of the female officers asked, putting some water from a water bottle onto a cloth and nearing y/n.

"don't, i'll clean myself up later." y/n hissed, pushing the officers hand away from her face. she pulled the shock blanket tightly around herself. she didn't care if she looked like she had just murdered someone.

someone had just murdered someone.
todd had just murdered her mother.

though y/n cried, she didn't know why. maybe it was out of anger, or maybe it was out of shock or grief.
she couldn't tell. she was feeling too many things at once, when she really just wanted to feel nothing at all.

y/n climbed inside of the police car, avoiding any eye contact or conversation. as the engine started up, and the car began to move towards the station, y/n looked at her reflection in the window.

her favorite top was speckled with blood. the skin surrounding her eyes was a bright pink, her eyes themselves were glossed over and obviously worn.

the same crimson fluid as on her shirt was also scattered in more visible and blotched together on her left cheek, up the side of her for head, and across her nose.

she knew something like this would happen eventually. she just knew it. but like this? it all seemed so wrong. everything had seemed so wrong for the past five years.

what now?

it was completely silent as they pulled up to the police station. but it was a peaceful silence, it was comforting to y/n. but at the same time, it was dark, and made her feel so alone. she was a lot more alone now than she had been just forty five minutes prior.

she walked between two police officers as they made their way to the doors of the station, and went in.

the first thing y/n saw was the losers club, they were sitting, but as soon as they saw y/n, they stood up.

the sight of y/n made all of the losers' hearts crumble, but it made stanley's disintegrate. whatever happened, was he to blame? it was his idea to go to the police, even though y/n had told him not to.

he didn't know what to say, but as soon as he locked eyes with y/n, he could tell that whatever happened, was something he hadn't intended. he just wanted to keep her safe.

y/n watched all of the losers as they looked to her with furrowed brows, and at that moment, the moment she locked eyes with her stanley uris,  she couldn't hold herself up anymore.

her heart moved before her head could tell her not to, and she ran to him. she ran to him, and was immediately wrapped up by his arms.

and for the first time in awhile, even though so much bad had happened, there in stanley's arms, she felt as though things were going to be okay.

sorry i know i never make a/n's but i just wanted to say sorry for not uploading, and thank you all so so much for all the support on this book. please let me know how you feel about it so far, and i hope you are excited for the next part!

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