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your pov i sighed as i felt the sun's rays burning my face

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your pov
i sighed as i felt the sun's rays burning my face. i quickly opened my eyes, turning my head to the side as if i was expecting something to happen. usually, something did happen.

usually there would be the sound of crying or the crash of something being throw across the room, or the loud annoyance of todd's overbearing voice.

but today there was nothing. it was silent. which was a reason to smile, it was something to show me that today would be a good day.

as i smiled to myself, i realised that i had somewhere to be. so, i sat up and turned to face the clock, seeing it was 9:30.

at least i have thirty minutes to get ready, that should be long enough. just as i stood to get clothes from my dresser, the door bell rang, causing a panic to arise in my chest and an aching to subside in my throat.

who could be here? mom and todd are both gone, and i didn't invite anyone.

the only sound that could be heard as i made my way towards the door was the soft thumping of my smooth feet hitting the rugged wooden flooring. i reached the door and looked through the peep hole, anxious to see who it was.

relief washed over me as i realised it was stanley. i turned my back and rested my head on the door, squeezing my eyes shut. i wasn't supposed to have anyone over. if todd found out...

i guess he'll just have to not know. yeah, he wouldn't know. i opened the door, watching stan's eyes light up as he saw me.

"Sorry if i uh-," he laughed softly, "woke you."

i furrowed my brows in confusion, then realising i was still in my pajamas, which consisted of shorts and my bra.

"oh! uh- shit, it's fine. i was awake i just-" i covered my body, feeling a bit self conscious and not wanting him to see the bruises and cuts that covered my body, all from todd.

"it's cool. i just wanted to walk with you to the quarry, if that's alright?" he scratched the back of his neck.

"yeah, yeah that sounds good, that's great." i baffled, "how did you..?"

"you haven't moved since we were little, how could i forget where my best friend lived?" stanley answered, somehow knowing that i had been wondering how he knew where i lived.

i blushed softly, opening the door and letting stan inside.

"is your mom home? i haven't seen her in awhile." he questioned as he made his way through the door way and into the living room.

"mom, my mom? oh, she's at work." i felt like an idiot, but i hadn't had anyone over in years, and the house looked like a bit of a mess.

it was dark inside, hadn't been been cleaned in awhile. the ground was painted with broken glass, some of which had blood on them. i quickly threw a throw blanket over some of the broken supplies.

"i can uh, clean that up for you if you'd like?" stan offered.

of course he'd seen it already.

"no, no it's okay. todd will take care of it when he gets back." i sighed, turning to face him.

"let me- i'm just gonna get dressed real quick and then we can go ok?" i spoke swiftly, not wanting to have stan in my house for much longer than he had to be.

stan nodded, and i quickly ran to my room to get dressed.

it's not that i didn't want him around, quite the opposite actually. i enjoyed his company a lot, but i wasn't aloud to have people over, and i couldn't afford him to find things that may seem suspicious, and then i'd end up with a bruise for it.

stan's pov
y/n's house is a lot different than the last time i was here. it's darker, all the family pictures were torn of the walls, and there was a lot of broken things.

maybe todd did that upcycling thing where he takes broken things and makes them into something else? y/n did say that he'd take care of it when he got back.

i was just trying to think if a reason other than what i really think it is, what i know it is. even after so long, y/n is still bad at hiding things from me.

first she's gone for so long, then she comes back after so long, and suddenly she has a step dad? when she opened the door, i noticed the bruises on her stomach, but i thought it could've been something else.

then i got in her house. it all seems so obvious, yet so hidden. if i hadn't known her before i would've had no idea.

i looked around as i waited for her to come back down the stairs. as i was looking around, i noticed a small photo album hiding under a cloth in the kitchen. i took the cloth off, wiping the dust of the red leather cover.

i opened the book, seeing exactly what i didn't want to see, but what i knew would come up eventually.
pictures, a lot if them, of both her and her mom. each picture showed a different part injury. the bottom of each photo was marked with the date, the injury, and who the victim was.

it was a horrible sight, and the more i flipped through, the more my stomach began to twist. y/n's injuries ranged from small bruises and cuts, to gashes and broken bones. she was crying in almost all of them, but as i flipped further into the book, i realised that after a few years of dates and injuries, she wasn't crying about it anymore.

she had been hurt so much over all those years in the dark that it she doesn't even cry over it anymore. she knows it won't do any good. but what made my blood boil the most was one of the back pages, with a photograph of y/n's right arm suiting a hefty bruise. the date on the picture was from yesterday.

why haven't they done anything about this?! as thoughts and feelings overflowed inside my head, i panicked as i heard the sound if footsteps.

i quickly shut the photo album, putting it back underneath the cloth on the kitchen counter.

"all right i think i'm all set, let's go, yeah?" y/n spoke.

even seeing her an imagining someone doing such things to her made me wanna break down.

but i didn't, i nodded, following her out the front door and closing it behind me, the same unsettling feeling sitting in my stomach even as we distanced us from her house.

what do i do about this kind of thing? should i tell her i know? not now, she's in a good mood and i don't want to ruin that for when she sees the other guys at the quarry.

maybe i'll tell her after that. i'm going to have to eventually.

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