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               third person pova few days had passed since the "incident"

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               third person pov
a few days had passed since the "incident". that's what everyone had called it, anyways. y/n hadn't attended school since then. the department was trying to find her a nice foster family to live with.

though y/n wasn't at school, stanley called the station everyday as soon as he got home so that he could speak with her. the other losers would occasionally contact her through stan as well.

  y/n was hanging in. she didn't know whether to be upset about what happened, angry, or glad. of course she felt like being glad would be a bad thing, since her mother had been killed.

should she feel guilty? should she feel sad, or angry? she didn't know. she just wanted to forget it all. but that was hard to do, when the people around you are constantly talking about finding you a new family, since your last one had just gotten murdered.

either way, today would be a good day. stanley had managed to convince the officers to let him take y/n away from the station for a few hours. it wouldn't be much, but both y/n and stan were dying to see eachother.

the school day came to an end, after long and antagonizing hours of mind work. stanley was quick to grab his stuff and head out the building, meeting up with the losers before he would be off to meet up with y/n.

"so, stan the man, you ready for your hot date?" richie shouted, a little too loud for stan's liking.

"d-date?!" bill catechized.

"not a date, i'm just going to hang out with y/n." stanley's cheeks flushed into a baby pink.

"right. well, we'll see you later. we're gonna go watch some guy motorboat eddie's mom."

"you better fucking watch yourself, richie!" eddie huffed.

stan gave off an eyeroll before saying his goodbyes and heading towards the police station. he thought about the conversation he had had with the losers.

it wasn't a date. but he'd sure like it to be one. not that he was good at that kind of thing, he tried his best but he was too quiet. but he would like to take y/n on a date. he would like that a lot.

as stanley was walking, he noticed a small field of flowers. maybe he'd grab some for y/n? that wouldn't be weird, would it? no, she wouldn't have to think of it as a romantic gesture. he'd just play it off as a friendly thing.

plus, he knew how much y/n liked flowers. getting her a small bouquet for free wouldn't do any bad.

so, despite some of the nagging thoughts that sat in the base of his mind, he plowed into the small field and picked a few flowers, some blue, some purple, and some white. it wasn't a bouquet you'd buy at the store, but he hoped y/n would like them nevertheless.

he held the bouquet of flowers infront of his chest as he walked back onto the side walk and continued on his stride. most of the walk was rather peaceful, that is until he caught the glare of a familiar face.

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