Part 4

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I didn't want to wake up. I didn't really have a choice. I couldn't sleep anymore.

I was jostled out of my light slumbering by loud snoring behind me. Not that last night was worth while sleeping wise as my dreams had me waking up every couple hours. My back was pressed against Delirious, his heat warming my skin. Flopping onto my back, I glance at Del, who's feet are dangling off the bed as he scooched down, his pillows missing, and a hand tucked under his head. His back is towards me.

Sitting up, I smile softly down at him before throwing my legs off the bed and climbing out. Walking on my toes, I slip silently through his door and make my way to the living room.

As soon as I enter, I can see Brock walking around the kitchen.

"Morning." I say, walking towards our coffee machine.

He smiles down at me and muses my hair as he walks past. "Morning. How was your first day in the adult world?"

"Tiring." I mumble, fumbling about to start my cup of coffee.

The sound of his chuckle caused me to look over at him. Even he looked disheveled this morning, like last night had an effect on his day, too.

"Welcome to the rest of adulthood." He stated. I watched as he pulled open the fridge. "What do you want for breakfast?"

I walk over to him, glancing over the fridge, which was overall lacking in food. My eyes glaze, until they land on creamer. Grabbing that, I shrug. "Whatever you want to make."

His look twists into a mock scowl.

"What about pancakes?"

"Sounds good." A yawn rips through me, and I put the creamer away. Grabbing my mug, I climb into one of the bar stools to watch as Moo busies himself with making breakfast.

Usually by now someone else joins us, but I'm not surprised by how empty it is. I mean, the guys took last night as an opportunity to get smashed. Both in Mario Kart and in alcohol. I know at least two of them probably entered a blackout drunk state.

A nice quiet fell over the room as I listened to the sizzling of the stove crackled through the air. The coffee was helping me feel more human.

Footsteps came walking towards the kitchen. I wonder who else was awake?

They stopped at the end of the bar island. I looked over, shock filling me as Vanoss was staring into my eyes. I wasn't expecting to see him. I instantly felt awake.

"Morning Moo," he stated, his eyes stilled locked on mine, "(y/n). Just the person I was looking for."

"Morning," Moo called, throwing a questioning look over his shoulder. I gave the smallest of shrugs before locking my gaze back on Vanoss'. "What's up?"

Finally, he glanced over at Moo, just briefly. "Business, as usual."

Should have guessed, he doesn't get 'days off'.

"(y/n), will you follow me to my office?"

"Uh," I stumbled, standing up and abandoning my coffee. I could feel Brock's eyes glued to us. "Yeah. Sure."

We walked to his office in silence, me keeping pace behind him. I suddenly felt silly for still only being in Delirious' shirt while Vanoss was completely dressed in his black shirt and dark jeans.

He opened his door, holding it for me to enter. I nodded a thanks and walked to the seat across the desk from his. After closing the door he walked around the desk to take a seat.

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