Part 9

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A/N: You know, honestly I haven't proof-read any of my story parts for this or Price of a Life, so yeah. Hope you enjoyyyyy~~~


Del's Pov. Oh boi

The job was way easier than it should have been. I just had to appear in his home for him to cough up the information. I didn't even have to inflict interrogation tactics. When I had gotten home tonight, everything was dark as I made my way towards the door. The lights flicked on in the garage, not by my doing.

I froze, slightly ducking behind the two vehicles I was standing near, watching as none other than (y/n) made her way into the garage with a set of keys in hand. My chest burned. What was she doing? Planning on running away? Not on my fucking watch.

Following in a crouched manner, I watched as she opened the back door of Tyler's brand new baby and tossed a bag in.

She left the back door open and slipped into the front passenger seat. On my toes I swiftly shuffle onto the floor of the back seat, moving the bag, which made a the softest clinking noise.

The front door slammed shut, and soon, so did the back door. She climbed into the front seat. "Ohhh Tyler's gonna kill me," She mumbled. Not unless I kill you first. Not long after, the engine roared to life and it was moving.

Being crouched this way for so long was uncomfortable, the blood cut off from my legs. It had to have been about 40 minutes before the car rolled to a stop. She left the car with a slam of the door. I sat up.

I noticed we were on a dirt road somewhere, the city lights behind us. Pulling up into a crouch to let blood back into my legs, I realized the lights were still on, and I could make out (y/n). And someone else.

Shuffling into the front seat was difficult with numb legs, but I bit through it, anger bubbling in me. So she snuck out to talk to a stranger? What is she doing?

I watched everything unfold in front of me. From the other person reaching her hand out, to (y/n) tensing and stepping back, and the stranger vanishing on the bike.

(y/n) stood there for a moment before shuffling back towards the car. I awaited her to realize I was here.

She slid in and closed the door, not even realizing.

Man, when Lui told me her nerves were off, that was an understatement. She didn't even react like I was in the vehicle.

I could tell she was crying, but part of me needed to be stern and teach her a lesson. She can't just go off in the middle of the night without telling anyone to do shady business.

"Who were you talking to?" I ask lowly, the anger in my voice evident even to my own ears.

She gasped, and I watched in the darkened vehicle as she tensed in fear, instinctively grabbing the blade she hides in her jacket. Pride fills me that that's her instinct.

I block it with my left forearm, which has padding under my black jacket, and grab her wrist with my right. I push it back and squease so she'll drop the knife in my lap. Before she can react and reach for that gun I know she tucked away, I turn on the light.

Her face morphs into shock, and I can see the tears in her eyes.

"Why don't we talk?" I suggest in a hard tone.

I let go of her wrist as she bobs her head up and down, buckling her seat and flicking the light off again. "How about the beach?" She asks softly, her voice obviously shaking. I grunted. Silence filled the car as we sped off down the road, taking a turn just outside the city heading towards the beach.

And that's how we got here, stepping into the sand.

Standing to the side, I watch as she leaned against the hood of the car, her arms crossed and looking out on the ocean.

I knew she'd talk when she's ready.


MC Pov

I didn't want to have this conversation, but I knew I needed to tell Delirious.

"When I was little, my mother was the one person I loved more than anyone else in the world. When she left, it was like the world did, too. So when he would hurt me, I thought it was because I deserved it."

The waves crashing against the sand was soothing, and I relaxed into the night air.

"I thought she was dead. So when I found out she wasn't..." My voice is quiet, and it almost doesn't sound like my own. I was off topic. "At the club, she was at one of the tables that I was serving aside from the target. Before then, I saw her on graduation day, when we were heading home after leaving the charm shop. She was apart of that gang."

I dug my toes into the sand, taking a deep breath. Admitting these things out loud felt weird, more realistic.

"When I stepped outside on the mission, she confronted me in the allie, and knew about you guys. She knew I was on a mission. She wanted to meet with me today. She- she told me what happened to her."

My emotions were starting to choke me, so I stood up and stepped farther away.

"What else?" He asks softly.

I sigh, holding my arms around my body to stop the shake. "She wants me to join her. The whole: family is blood, and I'm her blood."

His voice was smooth, emotionless. "So what are you going to do?"

Him voicing that stops me. Thinking it is different, but hearing my thoughts voiced out loud makes my heart beat. In my mind, it was like possibilities were endless, but now? "I don't know," I whisper.

"I'm worried about you," Delirious says.

My mouth is dry. "Well, don't be. I'm not a child anymore."

"That's not what I meant," He states his voice lowering.

"It's too early for this," I squeeze my arms tighter, trying to calm myself but feeling like I was ready to dive headfirst into my emotions.

Arms wrapped around me suddenly, and I hold my breath, feeling a burn in my eyes and I clench my teeth. "You can't keep it all inside, you know? Bottling it up won't do any good." His chin rested on top of my head.

Everything popped, and warm tears streamed down my face as I silently sobbed in his arms. "I just, I just don't know what to do...?"

'I know you're struggling, and hurting.. but, you're not alone, okay?" He took a deep breath, releasing it slowly and spoke softer, "and no matter what, we'll stand by your decision."

"I don't want to screw this up," I admit, completely relaxing into his arms and staring up at the ocean, the stars reflecting the the gentle waves.

We stood in silence, watching the waves for what felt like hours.

"Hey, uh, isn't this Tyler's car," Delirious broke the silence, letting go of me to look at me.

I nod. Everyone knows this is his, so why would he ask... "Yeah, why?"

"Well, He's supposed to leave for his mission at like 5."

I pull out my phone and look at the time. "Shit, Delirious we gotta go! It's already 4," I scramble, running to the front seat while he cackles, jumping into passenger. "The city is like 40 minutes away, and that doesn't even include the distance to our house."

Reversing the car, I speed off the sand and back on the road, flying back into town and praying we get there before anyone notices.

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