Part 12

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Trying to be quiet proved to be difficult with my pulse in my ears. I had slipped through the door connecting the hallway to the kitchen and living room when a voice startled me.

"Where have you been?"

I jumped sky high, my eyes landing on Delirious.

My words are slow as I think about every syllable. "Went to get coffee with a friend. Why? Is something wrong?" I ask, trying to be as believable as possible.

His fists clenched, and beneath his mask I could see his jaw locking. My heart rate picked up.

"You promised." He stated so low, it made my skin crawl.

Swallowing, I could feel my pulse start racing.

"What are you talking about?"

"I heard you talking to Vanoss."

"Yeah, so?" I ask, the attitude so sharp, even to my own ears.


His shout made my legs shake, and I leaned against the closed door.

The anger radiating from his form made me shake, my anger quelling for just a second, my voice coming out as a whimper. "What are you talking about?"

"I know who you really met. You met that bitch again and ran off somewhere! What the hell (y/n)?"

My emotions came back in full force. "You followed me? You FUCKING FOLLOWED ME?"

He took a step back, not expecting the anger.

I quickly followed, stepping into his space and looking up at him with my watery eyes. "What's this about trust, huh? You obviously don't trust me to go out and get coffee, and yet you expect me to trust you?!"

"That's not the point of this conversation!" his fingers clenched, and his arms were shaking with rage. "The point is you've been sneaking out and lying!"

"Then what is!" I screamed back at him. I don't think I'd ever screamed or yelled at anyone in this house before. "I'm not a kid anymore!"

"Apparently you are!"

My vision went red. "Uhg!" Throwing my hands up, I stomp around him.

A hand gripped my wrist to stop me. I immediately began to spin, using my momentum to unscrew myself from his hold, forcing my wrist out of his hold and striking my palm against his mask.

He stumbled back, calling my name as I continued my march to my room.

Rounding the corner, I ran into someone, almost falling on my ass. I could hear Delirious chasing after me.

Vanoss had his hands on his waist, looking down at me.

"What the hell is going on?"

Could this day get any worse?


I sat in the chair across from Evan's in his office.

He was pacing back and forth behind his desk. It made my anxiety rocket.

"I was out... I told you." I swallow, jamming my fists in my pockets so he wouldn't see the tremor in my hands.

"Out?" he says slowly, deeply. He was pissed. Apparently he had been waiting for me to get home, too.

But I was dumb, my anger making it impossible to hold my tongue. "Yeah. I went out for coffee."

"AND TO MEET WITH ONE OF OUR ENEMIES!" Vanoss never yelled, especially at me. It stunned me, made my tongue tie in knots, and I could barely breath. He pinched the bridge of his nose. "You lied, (y/n). Why?"

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