Part 7

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A/N: So here we go! Man, I think we're about halfway there peeps. :D How does lil MC recover from her first mission where she's the central piece in the plan working? Read and find ouuuuuuuut


I couldn't believe it. I stand staring in front of me, my eyes blurring, my chest burning as it was hard to make my lungs move, too hard to breath.

Never before had I missed so many shots since starting training with Lui. Hell, I think even before I knew how to aim I hit more targets out of pure luck.

In front of me, not a single mar or hole decorated the targets. All of them were blank.

I missed every shot.

The cotton from my ears was suddenly removed as the rushing from my heart pounded my ears, and I could hear my ragged breath, my shoulders shaking.

I'd like to think that last night didn't have an affect on me.

Obviously, I was wrong.

My skin crawled as nerves took over.

The shuffling of clothes behind me brought me back to my senses. Clearly shocked and uncomfortable, Lui slowly approached me from behind, like I was a caged animal about to attack or flee.

"Hey, uh you okay? What the hell's going on?" He asked quietly, completely serious.His voice was small and slow, trying to be soothing. All it did was cause another, bigger, tremor to run through my body.

Breathe, I think, feeling almost faint as my head felt too heavy. "I. I. I don't. I don't know, okay? I'm just tired."

"(y/n), about last night." My heart clenched as my breath choked me. "Vanoss told me what happened. I know-"

I couldn't think, some of his words rushing through my ears. Did they know she talked to me? If they did, then why didn't Evan pull me aside, talk to me? Maybe he was waiting. I'm so screwed.

"So- I know you might be stuck in a mindset, and feel like no one understands what you went through. He should have never put you in with the possibility of something like that happening. You shouldn't not have been exposed to that man the way you were. We might not know what it's like, but we're here for you. If you ever want to talk... You can tell me anything."

"Nothing's wrong!" I snap, whipping away from the hand reaching out for me. Part of me relaxed realizing he was only talking about the dude. Maybe I was a caged animal. "Sorry. I just. Need to comprehend things..."

I turn to leave, leaning against the wall and slowly making my way towards the door.

In a tone that dripped with regret, something lacing his words, he spoke, "You know... I'm supposed to record our training today..."

If Vanoss saw on the records; if he knew how badly I performed today, who knows what he'd do. Panic swarmed me so much I leaned against the doorframe with my whole weight, my legs unsteady. Turning to look over my shoulder, I can't keep the pathetic plea from my voice. "Please. You can't. Just- please don't tell him, about this. Just say something like we worked on assembly and disassembly speed today. Please." I beg.

His face morphed sad. With a sigh, he nodded, caving to my request. "Anything for you (y/n)."

Guilt sat in the pit of my stomach like a rock at his words. I couldn't stand the look he was giving me anymore and scurried away from the training grounds as quick as I could without tipping over.


After that, I made my way inside.

I hadn't been lying. I didn't sleep well that night. Images of her, and her voice floated around my head keeping me awake. I was supposed to act like nothing had happened, and remain calm even though the person who was supposed to my dead mother had appeared. And she wanted to talk to me. All night I spent thinking of it. I'm still thinking of it.

Hearing noises from the boys broke me from the thoughts, and I decided to follow the sound rather than be alone. Hopefully it would help settle my mind. I found a few of them playing on the consoles in the main room.

Leaning on the wall, I watched as Daithi and Brian raced each other in a game of Mario Kart, Marcel and Ohm watching in amusement. I wait for the round to end before walking into the room.

While dragging my feet, I plop down besides Daithi, who instinctively grabbed my hips and pulled me into his lap between his legs, my legs draping over one of his with my feet grazing Marcel's thigh. Marcel put one of his hands on my shin, the other holding his phone to continue scrolling through social media. My back pressed against the couch arm as I curled my side into Daithi more. He wrapped an arm around me to continue playing his game.

"Ya want to play?" He asked, offering the controller.

Shaking my head, I stare at my feet. "Not really."

"Not even some GTA or Overwatch?" Someone else, Ohm, asks.

I shake my head again. "I'm just tired. Couldn't sleep last night, but I want to be around everyone." I say softly.

Daithi rubs my back, and I can feel everyone's eyes on me.

I'm sure they thought it was because of that guy.

Sure that had an effect on me, but still. My mind drifted back to her.

She wanted me to secretly meet her tonight. How the hell am I supposed to do that?

Do I even want to?

Whether I do or don't, I want answers and she's the only one that can give them to me.


A/n: Sooo, shorter than usual, but I wanted to update with something. Oh boy, what a pickle our poor lil MC is innnn. what do you think she's going to do? Tell the boys? See her Mom? Don't see her Mom? Have a mental break down? Tell me in the comments~

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