Chapter 8

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"Holding hands is a promise to one another that,  for just for a moment, the two of you don't have to face the world alone."-Unknown

|Shu's p.ov.|

A day off is just what the team needed. The entire club was exhausted, and I needed time to think. I'm actually really happy Valt asked me to join the team, and I don't think I could have been paired with a better one. Sure we've had are ups and downs, like Lui showing up. And I just couldn't get a certain violet eyed girl out of my mind. She definitely has taking up Rantaro's job of bickering with Wakiya. The incident at the training center definitely gave me a good look at her personality. I couldn't get the moment we ran into each other out of my head. How close we were, it just felt so...strange. 

"Shu! Hey Shu! I really want to battle!" Valt's incredibly loud voice broke me from my thoughts. I wince and cover my ears. "A little much." I say as he comes barreling towards me at top speed. "Time off is the worst! My whole body is already itching to get back into it! Dude, your the same right?" Valt asks, running in place. He looks around and takes in his surroundings. "Huh? So, what are we looking at?" He asks, sitting down next to me on the side of the bey stadium. He looks forward and sees the sunset I'd been starring at. "Woah, what a sun set! Looks like a huge fried egg with ketchup on the side." He says. I smile at him, he's always thinking about his stomach. "To you? Figures." I say.

"I've been thinking, know how..." I was cut off by him jumping up and screaming. "Ah man! Now I'm starving! Get in my belly!" He shouts. Waving his arms around and pretending to eat the sun. I hum and just watch him play around. "It's toast, and pepper!" He shouts. "I've been thinking about how glad I am you asked me to join the team." I say, even though he couldn't hear me.

"New it!" I hear a familiar voice say. We looked over to see Honcho, Wakiya, Diago, and Ken. "Figured we'd find you here. I'm a genius." Honcho says. "Never far from a bey stadium." Diago says. "Can't blame him. Serious bladers never are." Ken's puppet Besu says. "Got that right." Valt says. "Got to hand it to you captain, I feel rejuvenated. Even found my inner peace. No thanks to him, he's so scared..." Honcho says, pointing back towards Wakiya. Wakiya jumps forward, placing his hands over Honcho's mouth. "So scared of being to chill! In fact if we were any more relaxed it would have almost defeated the purpose." He says quickly, clearly trying to cover something up. 

"So what are we waiting for?" Honcho asks, finally pulling Wakiya's hands away. "Why not, we're all here." Besu says, clearly wanting to battle. Valt looks back towards me with a questioning look. I gave a smile and nodded, knowing he would make to right decision. "The people have spoken!" He yells and the team shouts out with joy. "More rest!" Valt finishes. Ok, even I was a little shocked at that one. Diago, Wakiya and Honcho all fall to the ground in defeat. "Rule one of the captain's hand book: Stick by your decisions." Valt says. "Come on!" They all shout from the grass. Ken and Valt both laugh.

"If we can't battle, what do we plan on doing for the rest of the night?" Wakiya asks, obviously aggravated. Valt places a finger on his chin, thinking. "I know! Let's go to Shu's place and he'll make pasta!" Valt shouts. He pulls me up and starts pushing all of us towards the sidewalk. "Wait, I never agreed to this." I say. "Fine, I'll cook then." He says. My mind immediately flashes back to the burnt bread he made at Wakiya's training camp. "No, never mind. I can handle it." I quickly say. He smiles triumphantly and runs ahead a bit. "That was too close." Honcho states.

Once we got closer to my apartment we began walking beside a major road. It was about five, and the traffic was picking up. "Hey, who's that?" I here Valt's voice. I look ahead to see a girl and a few steps closer revealed it was Rin. She had her head down, eyes closed, and her headphones in. She was walking towards a crosswalk, but there was one problem, the traffic light was still green.

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