Chapter 1:The Beginning

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This story is one I wanted to do, but was too lazy to try. So I'm going to do this one slow update, if it interests people, let me know so I may update some more.


(Endo's Pov)

“what did I do in my life to deserve this?” she thought to herself as she stare at the face of God in all his glory.

Endo knows her life wasn't perfect. Her parents were divorced when she was little. She was bullied most of her life for being ugly, scary ring girl looking and for not having both parents during most of her school years, but that doesn't mean she didn't have some friends. She trust and care for the few crazy but close friends in her life who truly care for her that taught her the value of hardship, working hard and beauty is not by looks, but being true to theirselves and others.

She never had a boyfriend nor did she want one, for her only love was reading. She was the top person in the school board to best high speed reader and able to spell out every single words in the dictionary correctly 100 percent. After she finished school at age 19, she spend most of her days reading and tagging books for similarities and comparison between them, though her friends bring her out the house to party and gives her some tip and gossip about getting a boyfriend.

By the time she was 20, she enrolled into a college for the process of becoming a Librarian's Assistant. She truly favor books over people due to the fact that they can't hurt her emotionally like people, and it doesn't count that some books fall on her physically a couple of times.

However before meeting god,She was in her room, clustered in her manga with her cup of juice next to her laptop while wearing her headphone connect to the laptop. Being an idiot she accidentally spilling her drink onto her laptop and electric fry herself to death due to the headphones still being connected to her head.

"Welcome soul 50500100900 to the Void, and you must be wondering why you are brought up here. Simply you have died, and you're are lucky to be our 50500100900 soul of this second to have a chance of another life."Said The God

"And what is this Chance?" Endo said with a bored tone as she look around, seeing that there was just white space with some colorful Sparks showing around every now and then.

"Why the chance of reincarnation." God said as he waves his hands above his head as flashes of pictures with individual person show in front of her.

"You can pick between the three candidates that are currently in a state of deep temporary coma by a coincidental injury that cause them to go into a deep sleep." He said with a shining smile as he wait for me to pick..

Endo just look at the pictures for a moment and read below their pic to see the descriptions.

The first girl was a strong willed warrior who was once a chef daughter before her family was slayed by demons king's minions whom destroyed her village

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The first girl was a strong willed warrior who was once a chef daughter before her family was slayed by demons king's minions whom destroyed her village. Now she roams the valleys destroying demons, with blonde Adventurer who is the chosen one who is destined to destroy the demon King. She currently in a temporary sleep when a Conesquirel accidentally fell onto her head hard, causing her to feint for a mere while.

Her name was Cassidy Yamadono

The Second girl was a young elfling who was raised by elderly humans whom raised her to be a polite girl who cares about the world while being chased around by a half-blood demon boy whom seem to have a Major crush on her for saving his life when ...

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The Second girl was a young elfling who was raised by elderly humans whom raised her to be a polite girl who cares about the world while being chased around by a half-blood demon boy whom seem to have a Major crush on her for saving his life when he was young. Currently she is sleeping in her bed.

Her name was Ayano Tashoma.

The last girl was a young spoiled royal princess who seem to be bashful, loud and demanding of pretty things

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The last girl was a young spoiled royal princess who seem to be bashful, loud and demanding of pretty things. She is the villainess of a game where she will meet her unfateful end by banished due to the MC of the story. She currently in a coma in the infirmary room after a incident from the stairs where one of the Maids have accidentally push her down while walking backwards from a conservation that was gossiping around.

Her name was Nanao Jissoji.

Endo look between the three and thought to herself.

"I pick the Third one." She said grabbing the third picture and helding it close.

"Great now let start the process of incarnat-"

"But I have a few request." Endo interrupt God speech


What is your requests?" He asked

"I will like the infinity inventory, a small portal where I can have a
endless library full of books for me to read for me to pick and choose by command, and.. I would for my face to be always be covered by my hair unless I, myself will let my face be revealed." She said quietly looking back at God, since she knew that reading some reincarnation books would come in handy along with unlimited amount of items to stash.

"That's a rather unusual amount of requests, but okay." God said with a sweat drop then he snaps his fingers and smile.

"All done" He said while a heart shape dot appears above Endo's head.

"That it?" She said with her eyes widen while she look at the heart shape dot above her.

"Yes, though the consequences of requests will comes in your new life, and I hope you enjoy it, while I hope to see you later in elderly age, Bye Bye." God said with a mischievous grin before snapping his fingers then the world around went black.

I didn't asked to be reincarnated [Slow Update]Where stories live. Discover now