chapter 13

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(Endo's Pov)

After the few week of learning out to tame magical beasts, and their uses are. Some magical beasts are useful in battle while other are helpers and companions for their summoners.

To me, it is interesting how some magical beasts can also help their summoners in containing the summoner's mana points and using it to fight off with their skills.

I have came up with the name for my bunnicorn, I named her Alice.

Alice is only a level 3. Her skills are lvl 2 bite, lvl 3 scratch, lvl 5 iron skin and now lvl 6 high kick since I been teaching her to be more aware.

Bunnicorn can absorb information like sponges if they have the right personality. Alice's personality is sassy, so I hope she doesn't use get sass on me.

She is not that smart, but she learning a tiny bit of words like go, no, yes, food, bath, and please. It pretty cute, since her voice was like of a toddler and she stumbles up mashing some words together when their not supposed.

It was fun to say that it was quite entertaining to teach her new moves and skills I gotten from the fellow knights and from skill books.

She is a great companion, though I'm like like to train her into being more stronger just in case something bad happen and she can defend herself.

Her horn is not so pointy though I sometimes take alice to the personal blacksmith so that she can sharpen her horn on the steel sharpener by herself. I took notes that bunnicorn sharpen their horns on pointy edgy rocks, but I couldn't find non at all so the blacksmith was a second options.

Just in case, In public she will were a tiny horn protector so she doesn't accidentally hurt someone with her horn. I don't care much for my reputation, but I like to keep to a reguay gloomy person that doesn't take part in activity unless forced to.

I'll make sure I remain a shut in til I decide to get married and that will wait for a very very very long time.

Probably around in my 25-30... Society today have people engagement and married at young ages and I rather not join that group just yet.

Meanwhile, I'm currently going to the table outside where a beautiful lady and young girl is at with my beloved father.

The women was the lady that my father is currently courting and the girl, I believe she is the heroine.

She was very beautiful. Her hair was blonde with a mix strawberry at the tips of her hair, her eyes were a sparkling sapphire, her skin was porcelain and look very lovely to see along with that beauty mark below her lip on the right corner.

She wore a light baby blue dress and white lining in a common fashionable dressing and her hair was lay down down to her shoulder.

Very different from my red dress with black lining while my hair was very very very long and in a quadruple large braid to keep hanging down all the way to my leg and not to be dragging around on the floor. It was very improper from what my maids told me.

"I-it a pleasure to met you, miss Jissoji, I am Kiyoko Ravenheart." Kiyoko said as she make a small bow to greet me.

"It nice to meet you too as well, and you can just call me nanao." I said politely smiling while in the presence of my father and kiyoko's mother.

We had our own small table with plates of sweets and cup of tea while my father and kiyoko's mother had their own table, enjoying their own companionship.

Me and kiyoko's made small talk as we drink tea and eat some of the sweet cookies and cupcakes.

Well until kiyoko said something that caught my eye.

"Are you a incarnate too..?" Kiyoko said out of the blue looking at me oddly.

I paused as I held my cup of tea before nodding a bit.

Kiyoko sighed a breath of relief before as she smiled brightly and clap her hands a bit.

"Oh finally! I knew there you were different then what you look like before in the game world." Kiyoko said with a bright smile.

"Did you died as well, miss Ravenheart?" I asked

"Oh, just call me Hana, and yeah, I died though I was pretty old, had kids, grandkids, and great grandkids of my own then suddenly I introduced by a god of some sort after my death and was given a few choices, and I refused them all since I just wanted to be with my husband.. though that made the god frustrated and send me to this world against my own will." Hana said as she sip her tea.

"I see, so what do you know about this world so far?" I asked merely curious.

"My great grand daughter played this game called “love of the kingdoms” and I would sit back and watch her play as she introduced me to the game and how it work, though it was pretty fun and I have a photographic memory gift even in my new life." Hana spoke on about the game while I listened, taking some mental notes to keep in check.

"-then my new mother will marry your father, which you would've supposed bullying me out of jealous like in the game, though I'm glad you were reincarnated like I am too, I wouldn't want to deal with snobby little brat." Hana said as she stop to drink her tea.

"It understandable, Hana and I believe we should work together on this situation that we are in." I said with a small smile, very glad to have a friend in this world.

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