chapter 11

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(short chapter)

(Masaru's Pov)

It been a few months, since I last saw Nanao-chan and I miss her presence very much.

I heard that Nanao-chan like to read books, and I've went out of my way to get the rarest book in the kingdom. This is surely to work this time.

Nanao-chan makes it hard for me to see her, nor does she gives me any attention. She either ignored me or walk away from him. It rather frustrating.

I hope this book would get her to pay attention to me for I am willingly to go through all the kingdoms books supply just for her to noticed me.

I already have arrived to the castle and hope that this work.

(Endo's Pov)

I believe my father is attempting to court a women from another kingdom who have her own daughter after losing a late husband.

It is not that I don't mind that my father is seeing someone. I worried that the person he see maybe a gold digger or only after his looks instead of loving him as the way he is.

I believe this is a sign that a heroine might join in the family with the women, that my father talked about. I rather not get into my role of being a villainess and just get into my reading then listen to the heroine attempt to get me to bully her.

I have read enough reincarnation books to know that either the heroine is either two-face, clueness, sneaky or possibly just kind.

Masaru have seem to gone quiet for few months, and I suspect that he up to no good.

It have been nice and peaceful for now, I've have read my books in tranquility. I've been looking into the old age of magic books.

Old age magic seem to easy to learn, but there many possibilities to create with it. In this modern day, people have to put restraint on magic and put them in selection of category of light, dark, earth, water, fire, air, lightening,  void and space.

There other ways of magic like ancient runes, potions, charms, herbology, and learning to summon and tame magical creatures.

To me, magic is simply amazing and it does wonders in the right hands. I seen Harry Potter series in my previous life and was amazed by it. I like how they did the classes though was a bit sadden that they classify magical being for things unable to control like the werewolf or vampire.

I enjoyed the book more then I enjoy the movies of the series since they left out so many important things from the books.

"Nanao-chan, Masaru is here to see you." Mako said, peeking from the door of my room.

Oh not this again.

"Just send him on his way."

"He have a book for you."

“a book? Might as well see it.”

I gotten up from my position away from my bed and walks towards the door as mako step out of my way, opening the door for me.

"Thank you mako." I said to her as she smiles happily. She left the both of us in a happy tune.

I've turn my direction to Masaru whom look very happy, holding onto a book in his arms.

"What kind of book did you brought me, Masaru?" I said crossing my arms patiently, looking at him.

"I'll give you the book if you spend time with me today, Nanao-chan." He said with a smirk on his face.

My curiosity is interested, but I see that this is a trap.

"Fine, but I am doing this only for the book." I sighed, closing the door behind me as I follow Masaru whom beamed a smile.

Unknowing to them, sako watches in the distance outside, in a tree while he bites his thumb.

“how dare he trick Nanao-chan into spending time with him.”

“i know Nanao-chan wouldn't betray me and this is a understandable reason that this is forced upon her.”

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