Chapter 2

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(Endo's Pov)

I felt tired the moment I enter my new body.

I could hear the mumurs of people speaking near me talking in a private conservation as I slowly awaken.

When I open my eyes, I am met with a small soft face of a boy. His hair was white as his eyes were hazel yellow. He look a bit gaped and started shaking like a leaf while I just look at him.

The boy then start running afar from me.

Awe, I wanted to pinch his chibi cheeks. Guess that have to wait til later. I merely gotten up a bit, to seat upwards when I was sudden meet with a giant cannon ball of memories flowing into my mind.

Seem Nanao hides her insecurities and lonely but getting the attention to herself due to the fact that her mother died when she was young. She get angry alot by the mentioned of her mother name and tend to get a tantrum whenever things don't go her way.

More and more memories keep coming in, til the point where she was walking to the stairs only to met a terrible fate of falling and hitting her head onto the staircase right before she was going to her father to talk about meeting her soon to be suitors. I can feel the sharp pain too, ouch.

I rub my head a bit, mumbling about getting pain killer while my face was mostly covered by my hair. Seem God did a good job at my requests, though I wonder what he meant by those consequences.

My train of thought was interrupted by a voice coming towards me.

"You're finally awaken, Nanao?" Said Her Father.

I decided to play the amnesia card.

"Who's Nanao?" I said letting my voice come out weak and innocent-like, but judging by the way my Father look god-gawd funny as heck for a moment, before his face turn to a full-blown smile.

"Don't you remember, sweetie? You're Nanao Jissoji." Said Father who seem to hide the excitement in his eyes.

"She doesn't remember who she is, Thank God for this blessed moment to reform my Daughter and bringing back her adorable innocent!" Said the inner person in Father mind who look to be praying with tears in his eyes.

(She wasn't that much of a brat, right?)

"Who are you then?" I said tilting my head a bit, letting my hair reveal one of my cerulean blue eyes showing, not noticing the over adorable look I'm putting off towards my Father.

"so cute, I wish I brought a painter to portray this moment" said the inner voice of Father while he simply smile softly.

"I'm your Father, Oshiro Jissoji. Oh my poor daughter have lose her memory of me." Said Father as he walks over pouting before gently petting my head softly.

"actually I haven't lost your daughter memory, though I can see why she distants from her doting Father." I thought to myself as I sweatdrop.

If there was a award given to the most doting Father, this guy would be ranked 6 out of billions. He extremely doting due to the fact she look like a mini version of her mother and take his love and caring very serious by giving gifts and sweets to his daughter every command.

This guy was probably whipped pretty well by her mother before her death in childbirth.

I simply smile softly and asked. "Okay father, ona but where am I?"

Father seem to look like he been shot by something while in real term he was overjoyed with emotions that his inner voice is praying to God thanking him like a crazed mall shopper.

"Your in the infirmary room, Mind do you want to get you some water to soothen your voice, daughter?" He said smiling more as he removed his hand from my head.

I nod before laying back down onto the pillow and watch as my father left the infirmary.

(To Father Pov)

He was walking in such Joy that a full blown smile remain on his face while he calls rolls onto all the maid, butler, nurses, gardener and cooks.

"I want you all to know that my daughter have a case of amnesia." He said with a forced tone to make it sound out a bit sad.

"Amnesia?" The maid said with a odd look.

"This is a sign of the gods." Mumbles one of the cooks who seem to be smiling brightly.

"What do we do now?" The gardener Asked to Father.

"Now that her memories are gone, She can start anew. We simply need to slowly let her adjust and keep her demeanor happy and joyful, and hopefully her attitude will change into a positive outcome towards the future." Father said with a grin.

" But we must keep the gift giving on low, Master " said one of the butler.

"We can't have you spoiling her again during this Revolution." Said a small nurse with a bun.

"B-but how am I supposed to show my daughter I love her then?" Father whined a bit like a small kicked-puppy.

"Spend time with her to get to know her." Said everyone in unison.

"Giving gifts sound better but fine as long as it keep my loving Daughter happy and let her know how much I care for her, I'll do it." My father said with a confident.

The some of the people in the crowd brought out their approval as they smile joyfully while some were crying and hugging another on this blessed chance to reform the princess into a good person.

(Seriously how bad was she to do this?..)

(To Endo's POV again)

"This place seem nice." I thought to myself as I pull my hair away from my face to see the window

I look out the window and see softly at the beautiful garden shown in front of me, Not noticing the boy from earlier was watching by peeking through the door and looking in awe at the enchanting beauty of Nanao.

The boy's heart seem to race a bit as his face flushed a bit. He never seen her face due to the fact he was always afraid of her and ran away at the sight of her terrifying form coming from her dark room, but noticing it now was confusing his thoughts of being afraid and something else that have his mind in more confusion.

he ran off away from the door to get away so she doesn't notice that he was there. He need time to figure out what to do now that his mind ingraved her beauty, while his little heart keep beating at each flashback of her looks.

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