Chapter 5

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(Endo's Pov)

After that meeting had happened, it seem the prince wouldn't take no for an answer as he kept scheduling more meeting and plan to court me during the past few months.

At first, I thinking he just wanted some answers until he started flirting with sweets and gifts.I didn't even know kids his age could flirt.

So I did what any normal person would do. Avoid and hide like the plague.

It worked. For a few weeks that is til the prince decided to make a sneak move and official the engagement by the King approval.

My Father was shock to say at least. He look like one of those sad kick puppies from a commercial when he got that letter from the king.

He cried in the corner for an hour while the butler simply backslap him out of his stupidity. I was too busy trying not to laugh while mako was giggling in the background.

Now I sit here in the library, attempting to look up information on how to make an official royal engagement with mako at my side looking around.

During my search for information, I finally unlocked an achievement which I quickly selected with my finger.

The achievements was [Intelligence is Key] and it given me 20+ special points add to my free space as it show me my status which wasn't bad.


Name: Nanao Jissoji [Original name: Endo yashimo]

Age: 12 and a half [original age:21]

Level: 7

Hair: black

Eyes: pale greenish-blue

Height: 4'7 ft

Weight: 73 pounds

Hp: 5000


Skills: lvl 48 speed reading
lvl 56 magic, lvl 20 observation, lvl 20 artistic, lvl 18 sewing, lvl 23 culture, lvl 13 discipline, lvl 24 dancing, lvl 28 singing, lvl -31 romance, lvl 27 negotiation, lvl -50 athletic, lvl 36 speed writing, lvl 77 attraction, lvl 24 running, and lvl 68 baking.

Magic skills: have yet to learn

Elements: fire, water, air, ground, space, void, demonic, spiritual, and lightning.

Favorite food: Strawberry shortcake and mini pound cake.

Hobbies: writing and reading.

Worst food: spinach and broccoli.

Likes: quiet people, crazy adventures, and fluffy stuffed animals.

Dislike: flirty people, dull interview, paperwork, and horribly uncooked food.

Now i was rather please to see my status, though I was confused on the attraction lvl, seeing that it was my highest level skill. I'll figure out how to lower that level down since I'm not looking for a boyfriend nor fiance.

I already seem to have one problem with the white haired stalker and persistent blonde prince, I rather not have anymore people be attracted to me.

"It not like there would be some random guys falling for me out of the blue right?"

I mused myself while tapping on the guide on the lower corner of my status. I scrolled a bit onto the screen in front of me, and remember how to open my status though I really need to learn some magic skills, they might come in handy in the future.

When I pop the status screen out of existence, it seem everything going on around me have froze in time during my check up with the screen and now is slowly moving back to normal as if nothing have happen.

"Hey mako, did you see that?" I asked mako who was busy looking through a book.

"Seen what, Nanao?" She said peeking from the book with a confused look.

"Oh nothing, it was just my imagination."

"Guess that prove my point, screen means time freezes which means that is useful to avoid stalker-san"

I smile to myself as I sit up and goes back to my reading.

In another kingdom far away

(Masaru Pov)

Masaru was sitting in the conference room, tapping away his finger onto the table with a annoyed look.

He tried everything, Gifts, songs, letters and more meeting but Nanao wouldn't give him the satisfied to wed him.

He never met a girl who outright rejected him, especially right in front of him and then leaves, but never have his heart ever beats so fast for her.

He try to ignored the feeling but simply tucking it away in the back of his mind, but it wouldn't let him go. It start with small dreams.

Dreams that she would have accept his proposal. That she would hold his hands and gives him hugs like the couple he seen out in public. He dreamt that she would be in his arms and care for him like in the novels he read to himself at night.

This condition only got worse by the day until he decide to call another meeting with her just to see her. he tried to act natural and make compliments to her, but she completely ignored him.

Doesn't she see that ignoring him was driving him crazy? Just a glimpse of her made him weak in the knees and heart hammering in his chest. If he could touch her, he was sure that he would melt right there and then.

He may be a year older then her, but he truly care for her, though he get irritated by her father whom wouldn't leave her alone with him. That man been testing his patients and losing his precious small amount of time with her.

He had almost beg his father to official the engagement with a permanent signature so that she wouldn't leave him even though she avoided him.

Masaru know that when he wants something, it is given or earned to him, but he never knew that not having someone like her at his side is devastating. He have to try more harder while eliminating any upcoming threats that might try to take away his beloved Nanao.

He still have control of his dark side, but imagining some other man being with Nanao other then him would surely drive him to the edge. He was sure that that would never happen, because Nanao will be faithful to him and him alone.

He makes sure of it even if he had to lock her up in a dungeon to keep her away from prying eyes, wicked and twisted people attempting to woo Nanao of her pure innocence even if he had to get his hands dirty do it.

His beloved butterfly may fluttered to flowers but the spider have many webs waiting to binds those wings of her right off.

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