Chapter 8

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(Endo's Pov)

“why did I agree to come to the ball again?” I thought to myself as I ignored the the puppy-eyed look Masaru giving to me as he chatted about on how life been going through.

I would rather be at home, studying a new potion and learning a new ingredients from my books then be here.

I don't know why royals have the sense of having a grand ball. I think it just to show off wealth during the time of celebration, Though you never be to sure that everything is safe during the ball.

There could be a kidnapping, poisoning or even a murder during one of these grand ball events. Either the ball is a successful or end in disaster.


I thinking I'm reading too many murder mystery novels.

I sigh a bit, before paying attention to the Masaru whom seem to brighten up once my attention was on him.

"How have you been, Masaru?" I said with a small smile painted on my face.

"I've been doing well, thank you for asking me." He said with a beamed smile.

“bright as always.. is that.. a floating hearts above his head?” I thought to myself as I blink seeing tiny hearts floating around his head, before blinking again to see them disappear.

“maybe I have been reading for far too long.”

"That great to hear, I've been doing fine myself. I've been learning how to summon a familiar." I said a bit interested.

It was true, I've been learning how to summon a familiar, but yet have successed.

"You're learning how to summon? That must be very difficult for a women like yourself." Masaru said with a cheerful voice.

“Excuse me?” I thought with a 💢 appear onto my forehead.

"It haven't been too difficult, I learn very fast to make sure everything is right."

"That very good to hear, you must be studying hard to learn so well, Nanao-chan." He beamed a smile at me with loving eyes.

Well played on changing the subject, you sneaky prince. I looked around the ballroom to see what may interest me.

Masaru seem to be having some sort of happy phase, because I swear that I seeing dog's ears on his head with a tail wagging excitingly... And is his eyes sparkling.

Time to escape.

"Will you excuse me, Masaru-koi, I'm must go refresh myself." I used masaru's shocked and slightly blushing appearance to when I call him '-koi' in the end of his name.

That doesn't mean I meant it. It the right excuse to leave his side without diversing a insult and/or being rude in his presence like the first time.

I walks away from the blushing prince with my book in hand, towards a sofa and sat down quietly resuming back to my chapter.

I swear that prince is getting more clingy then usual.

(Masaru's Pov)

She called me Masaru-koi.

I could swoon if I wasn't a prince nor male. Just hearing her calling me koi makes my heart jump for triumph.

I believe I was in a dazed of pure joy before I noticed my beloved butterfly flew away from me. Isn't she so shy, making me give a chase to search her out. That is just so cute and so like my fluttering butterfly.

“Did you flew away from me out of instinct, my dear. Don't be so shy, my love, I won't bite.”

I followed her once I noticed she seated down onto one of the fluffy and beautiful design sofas.

She look so beautiful even if she ignoring my presence while I sat next to her with a bright smile.

Being with Nanao brighten up my day and warms my heart to the brim.


I hope that once we are married, that she realized how much she loves me and we be happy together~💗

“Why won't she look at my direction? Just noticed me already”

He peeks a bit and sigh in delight, Leaning back as he sit next to his source of affection.

“being here will be enough for me this time, my dear butterfly”

One day she'll be in my arms, in my web where she belongs.

It'll be a glorious day for my love, for I'll makes sure Nobody will touch or go near her.

Somewhere in the ballroom

Sako sneezed a bit for the third time. He grabs at the fallen papers, slipping from his grasp. He sigh a bit defeated that he wasn't able to go to the ballroom and watch Nanao-chan.

He folded them neatly into the folder as he followed the king towards the meeting away from the ballroom.

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