Chapter 7

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(Endo's Pov)

Nanao was sitting in Victorian carriage. She held onto a small blue book about the culture and special event of the Jissoji family. On her left side, her father was smilingly happily like as if he won something. 

Across from Nanao was Mako whom was helding a basket of sweets and Sako who was helding a important files and paperworks while shyly looking from the window and back to sneaking glances at Nanao with a pink blush covering his cheeks.

Today they received a important letter stating that there was a ball at the Yuasa Castle. Nanao had no other choice or say in deny on coming while her father was set on going. It has already been two years since the prince keep attempt to make event and woo the princess with no success. Seem to like the Yuasa kingdom had brought in help.

Nanao reaction was rather dull as she didn't make a fuss and wanted to get it over with to go back home and read her books to level up more.

During the time that they were in the carriage, Nanao was sightseeing the lovely town around them, as they passes by.

It was a very peaceful town, today was a lucky day out of the days that there haven't been any demon attacks. Luckily most people don't get killed in the process while some aren't so lucky.

Most the time there have been raid party and adventurers to fight off the demons who invade the town and kingdom. Some of the time, it was the knight duty and honor to defend their kingdom from the demons attacks.

When there weren't any attack, the town will go about their days. Children will play about in the streets, salers will sell their product, blacksmith would make a new production of weapon each day as long it was to defend their home and peace.

Once the sightseeing was over and when they gotten to the kingdom of Yuasa. The place was much more livelier and more beautiful then their own kingdom.

The Yuasa kingdom was known for their high strength in weaponry and high powerful level knights. Their strength in power and defend while keeping peace and equal rights to the people have given the kingdom to be number 1 in the world.  The large town city itself was beautiful and only can be described as such for the luxury and highly advance economy and structure of living.

The Royal Yuasa Family were seen as the perfect family. The king and queen were a perfect match together as were their many children, though some had said rumors about their children being arrogant and family not so perfect as thought to believe. Those rumors were only heard in whisper in the dark side of the kingdom.

For the Kingdom of Yuasa may seem like a beautiful and perfect place to live. There was always a dark side to the place that is keep silent til the day someone brave enough or dumb enough would tell about the corruption.

Anyways, Once Nanao, and her father along with the maid and butler arrived to the castle of Yuasa, they're greeted by the escort.

The balls was amazing as to tell from point of view to describe the beauty of Yuasa. Royal people stood around, chatting along to one another about gossip, politics, etc. The Royal children were escort to the children area along with the other kids of the Royal families to get along with and/or Ally in meeting.

Since Nanao was currently 13, she was at age to meet other suitors and soon to be fiances of other kingdoms.

“Hopefully Masaru have given up the the engagement arrangement.” Nanao thought as she rubs her red dress a bit.

"Nanao-chan~!" She spoken too soon.

(Masaru's Pov)

Nanao-chan~, Nanao-chan~, Nanao-chan~”

Just her name mantras in his mind bring him such joy as Masaru walks down the stairs of the ballroom. His center of attention was focused on his beloved fiance that look rather likely that she wanna disappear from the spot.

It had been two years since he last saw Nanao-chan and wouldn't come to the regular meeting with him.

His father suggest another princess of another kingdom that seem to be rather cheerful and would love to be with the prince. He quickly delined the tramp.

Masaru told his father he wanted Nanao-chan as his wife to be. His father chuckled and mumble about young love and given his third son a word of advise to woo his fiance while telling his son about the planning of the Balls of meeting other royal family.

He gotten ready in his royal white suit. He had chatted with other members of royal families while ignoring the princesses of other royal families.

He had his heart set of Nanao, hopefully she comes to the balls and not ignored the urgent quest to come to the ball. He made sure the letter was professional signed by the king himself.

He watched the entrance of the doors from time to time, his heart beating faster with the thoughts of Nanao coming to meet him and his family bring him much joy and warmth in his heart.

When he caught sight of her, his heart skip a beat. She was as beautiful as ever.

Her red dress was absolutely stunning

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Her red dress was absolutely stunning. It matches well with the dark red roses laying in her hair while the red clashed with the blueish green of her eyes. Her pale porcelain skin was beautiful and soft to the touch that made him want to hide her away from prying eyes.

Masaru couldn't keep his eyes off of her as he walk faster down the stairs.

"Nanao-chan~!" He said in a rather cheerful voice. His heart hammering rapidly in his chest with his cheeks flushed pink.

He completely ignored the disappointed and jealous looks of other princesses that glare at his beautiful fiance while death glare at any man that dare look at his Nanao-chan.

He made a mental note to that red must be her favorite color later on as he arrived towards his beautiful crush. He didn't care that she would ignored him, his mind was filled with happiness that she arrived to met him, and hopefully only him alone.

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