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The 2 girls who thought would never meet, met. Such a shocker huh? Well it is their story when the finally met but lets start with short intros about their lives.


She is not well off. Her father was working at a construction site while her mum worked at a rich family's house as a maid.

She never saw them much since the day she was born and she was cared for by her neighbours and her relationship with her parents were strained.

She wore hand downs from other people. She attended school but all her shoes were in the worst conditions having worn them for 4 years.

She didn't complain and well, she matured so much faster than the rest of the children her age. She didn't ask for luxuries and was definitely contented with wat she was given and she felt that she was a little better than orphans as she would experience love from her parents every once in a while.

Lets just say in appreciation for the service of Jeongyeon's mother towards the rich family, the family, being very kind had decided to send her to school and paying for all of her school fees.

She appreciated all that her parents have done for her. She was also thankful for the opportunity to study. However, due to her poverty, everyone picks on her and it is so unbearable to watch. Her body full of scars and bruises from all the beatings she got.

She still appreciated the life she was given.

She hide those marks from her parents as she didn't want them to worry. She was filial, and always considerate that it is difficult to know when she would break.


Her life was perfect. One that every girl would hope for. She was filled with luxuries. Her parents each are the boss of their own companies and they both own many others in Korea.

They were called the dynamic duo but not so dynamic with their daughter Nayeon.

Nayeon was raised by the butlers and maids who worked there and she had good relationships with all of them despite the difference in status. One if them being Jeongyeon's mum who was Nayeon's personal caretaker since she came into this world.

She was popular at school because she was rich of course. She remained humble despite the fame as that was what she was taught.

She didn't care much about the popular kids but she tried reaching out to others who were not so well off. It was like she was a princess who came out of a fairytale and was destined to help others in need.

However, her views were corrupted by her fellow Kingkas and Queenkas around her all the time. Slowly she changed...

Bts members:

The 7 member group are friends with Jeongyeon and stuck to her side ever since they met her in kindergarten. They played and had fun together even after 15 years, they are still together in school.

They have always tried their best to fight off Jeongyeon's bullies and protect her from all the bad. But of course they failed terribly, it was the whole school against the 8. They were kinda hopeless, so they formed Bangtan and they had a club room set up as Jeongyeon's sanctuary as well as their hang out room, one stone kill two birds.

They kept her company and always treated her wounds for her. They were the most kind and supportive friends anyone could have.

They were popular but never swayed from their own beliefs and their motto.

They will be the game changers in this story...

Popular kids:

This group also have 7 members. The hard core people who are trendsetters. They style, they rock, they push the whole school.

They punch, they hit and they stamp on those not worthy. They are the popular kids. They consist of Stephanie, Joanne, Henry, Sandy, Melody, Jack and the best of the best, Jaemin.

They were ruthless, they did things that were unethical. Well they are still popular kids. They are unpredictable.

Let's just say they are the worst or the worse of people and they would go out and do all things possible to gain the popularity. They would not give up the very opportunity just to be "nice" to people. It wasn't to they motto, "Be ruthless or you're out". The many unspeakable things that they did tarnish the very name of the prestigious school they came from. They will never be merciful.

So we will see how all this turns out at the end of the story with them destroying every possible chance there is for Nayeon to be kind to the poor Jeongyeon.


Teachers, other nerds, followers...meh etc. I don't know....

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