Throw back pt 7

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Today is the day of Nayeon's departure towards America for business school in order to take over her father's business one day.

It is also a way to avoid Jaemin at all costs so that no violent tendencies—no more bullying. Honestly Nayeon had completely no idea until Namjoon told her.

Flashback in a throwback

"Hey Nayeon can I speak to you for a moment?" Namjoon has taken the initiative to go ahead and talk to Nayeon. Namjoon lead Nayeon to the BTS club room cum Jeongyeon's sanctuary and sat her down on one of the couches.

"I'm sure you saw Jeongyeon's injuries and they weren't those so called 'light' ones. They were done by you if you were wondering." Shock immediately took over Nayeon's confused expression, "Now we don't blame you for it because we know it was all Jaemin not you. However because Jaemin is only suspended, when he comes back, things would revert back to the usual and Jeongyeon would be hurt again. So I propose that you leave the country to continue your studies."

Nayeon taking in the whole information of leaving the country for school. Even though she have not been friends with Jeongyeon for long but she didn't want her to be hurt because of herself.

She thought about it before saying, " Actually I plan to go America but it seems that I would have to push it forward instead of after graduation night. Thanks Namjoon, for telling me. Please protect Jeongyeon from those 7 evil people. I'm sorry for all the problems I've caused. I'll make sure that I won't be here to hurt the girl anymore."

She stood up before bowing to Namjoon and left the room. She roamed the school thinking about the whole moving abroad to study thing and decided she would go off in a weeks time.

End of flashback in a throwback

There she stood with her luggage in front of the airport glass doors with 8 people and both her parents to send her off to America for business school.

She would miss every single thing in Korea.

Walking inside the airport with 10 others beside her as the cold air from the air conditioning blew into her face bringing a chill down her spine.

Jeongyeon came forward to hug her first friend who is leaving.

"Bye.. come back soon and please just don't be near Jaemin. It hurts too much for me to handle. I love you my friend." Jeongyeon clutched to her best friend as tears well up in her eyes having to send off someone she cares for despite all the hurt she has gotten from the whole bullying.

"I'll come back as soon as I'm back and I'm sure that I will stay away from Jaemin. I love you too friend." Nayeon mumbled as she brought her hands up to hug the other girl.

This is farewell for 5 years...

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