Present time...

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Jeongyeon pov

Now I'm just being dragged through store to store and she is a very energetic person despite being older than me by a few years.

I stared at her smiling figure. Honestly she is so beautiful at times it really makes me mad thinking about her constantly. My heart honestly yearning for a confession from her.

Sometimes I realise what I'm having in my mind that I must constantly tell myself no.

After she left, I went into a relationship with Jackson who happened to be my tablemate in school for 5 years. He confessed and we went out for a little before I found out he is gay who was confused and he went with some guy named Mark Tuan or something like that but honestly now I can't care too much.

I just stared at her hand dragging me along making a slight blush ride up my cheeks. This have been the closest we have been since my first day in school where she was so hyper and super nice.

"Hey what do you think about this?" She asked with a beautiful smile on her lips.

"You look beautiful in anything. Stop asking for my opinions Nayeon." I was really frustrated by the constant questioning. Not that I hate her companionship but she is too insecure about herself which I honestly don't think it should be a problem in the first place.

She pouted which made me feel a pang of guilt. I mean I don't want her sad because of me. She is just perfect as she is and any boy (or girl) who has her is probably living in heaven. Your life will never be a bore again and it would be filled with many many good memories and fun without any sadness.

I stood up and went towards her. I held her cheeks gently in my hand as I stare into her dark chocolate eyes.

"You're perfect okay? So stop asking me if it looks nice on you because it is great. If you're thinking about your 5 years in America where people mock you for your skin tone, stop it. It is not true at all." I said as I picked up the clothes in her arms as well as the dressing room.

"Do you want them??" I asked softly. She nodded slightly as I dragged her to the counter. "I know I'm not rich but these clothes I could still afford since they are not branded." I handed my credit card to the girl who was standing by the counter, "she would be wearing this outfit out so please remember to add it to the tab."

At the end of the day I have to think of how to pay for the whole amount because it is a shocking amount. In fact Nayeon was shocked as well.

Although she might have beaten me up badly back in school, I might have underlying feelings that didn't stay hidden forever and chose to come out now that we are all grown adults.

Blame my heart.

I didn't even know about the feelings that had bloomed slowly over the years as she was gone.

Sigh my heart stop doing things to me....

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