Law 19 : The Seven Spells of Recreation

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Everything went black again.

“Just…what is that?” Vierne’s knees gave up. “Why does this keep happening..? Kami-sama met you? Impossible…Haha…It’s impossible…We were together inside the chamber after all…”

“You hold an important piece in this game , Vierne of Hearts.” Belladonna said.

“I don’t remember telling you my name.” Vierne grew suspicious. “First , the time when this ‘God’ called out to you…It was supposed to be the same time when Kami-sama was still sleeping. It’s not possible. And now , you know my name too?”

“It’s supposed to be like that.” Belladonna replied without a second thought. “This meeting was prepared and the outcome was long decided.”

“What do you mean…?” Vierne asked. “Are you saying that Kami-sama planned all this and we’re all her pawns !? Is that it !? She’s just using us !?”

“This meeting was prepared and the outcome was long decided.” Belladonna repeated like a broken recorder. “It has long been decided. Since long , long , long ago.”

Vierne was cornered by her words. He closed his eyes shut. Vierne covered his ears.

“Vierne , you were just a pawn. We all are.” Belladonna continued. “In God’s eyes , we don’t even exist.”

Do you understand Belladonna?’

“You , Vierne , never existed.” Belladonna chuckled. “Who knows , maybe Vierne isn’t even your real name.”

You will meet a man named Vierne. Your meeting with him is fated.’

“You don’t know anything !” Vierne shouted. “Vierne is the name given to me by Kami-sama herself ! It’s mine ! And mine alone!”

You must corner him.’

 “How do you explain my meeting with God then?” Belladonna said. “You saw it yourself. God betrayed you.”

“Shut up!!”

Right after I offered myself God appeared before me. It was the first time I saw her face. So divine.

“You must corner him , Belladonna.” Kami said. “I can no longer protect him. He must fend for himself. Driving him into a corner , out of options , desperate , and alone…That will bring forth his power. Do you understand , Belladonna?”

“I will complete the task you’ve given me with no doubt.” Belladonna replied before disappearing completely. “To bask your grace upon a sinner like me , I feel thankful.”

“Pitiful child…” Kami flicked Belladonna’s forehead and smiled. “You’re not a sinner. Do not regret. Do not feel sadness nor despair. The one who truly committed a sin was none other than me. You simply played your role.”

“Sorry…Kami-sama…I can’t bring myself to see you in the darkness.” Belladonna smiled. “I don’t know if you are truly evil but I do know for sure , that you made my blood holy so I can save my beloved. For that I am grateful.”

“I’m a selfish person.” Kami said and Belladonna disappeared , turning into light. “Someday…I’ll tell you the truth.”

“Probably the day of my end.”

“When will the ticking stop…?” Belladonna moved in a blink of an eye , pressing the blade of her scythe against his neck . She slowly aimed for his heart and pierced his chest but not deep enough. Vierne gave out a groan. “Do you wish to hear the frightening silence?”

Alice Game : Dawn of RecreationTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon