Law 21: The Secret, Revealed

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“Well , this is promising.” Yuki said , sliding against the wall.

“Not funny.” Belladonna hissed.

They were inside an underground prison. The ceilings are full of small holes , which made water leak onto the floor. Molds started to grow and the leaks made a small pond. Belladonna stepped on a thick mold which made her feet feel slimy.

“Ah , great.” Belladonna’s mood was only turning sourer and sourer.

“Couldn’t get worse , right?” Yuki said, trying to lift the atmosphere.

“Attention to all prisoners!” A guard said. “There will be a mass execution in a week! This is an order from the beloved Queen Julian herself!”

“Eh…Seriously?” Yuki can feel Belladonna’s glare.

“We can still investigate though.” Gwyn said , still wearing his mask..

“I just wanna remind you we are inside a jail.” Yuki said , sitting on the moldy floor.

“Shut up , Yuki.” Belladonna unmasked herself since it was dark inside their cell.

“Look around.” Gwyn pointed. “There are other prisoners here. We can still squeeze out information from them.”

“Even if we do , Hell knows how long they’ve been here.” Belladonna said, still in a hushed voice. “They might not know what’s happening outside.”

“Let’s just try.” Gwyn sighed. “It might be worth the shot.”

“Hey.” Yuki whispered. “Someone’s coming.”

Belladonna wore her mask. A guard was coming , together with another prisoner. The guard locked the other prisoner opposite to where they are. The guard left.

“So , what’s your crime?” Yuki asked. “Jaywalking?”

“I’m surprised you can still joke in that condition.” The prisoner said.

“It’s not like there’s a rule that says you need to be sad when you get locked unjustly in a stinky prison.” Yuki looked up , resting his head on the wall. “I’ve experienced something worse.”

“…” The prisoner kept silent. “So , what did you do?”

“Us?” Yuki turned his head to look at the other prisoner. “We’re not sure either.”

“So you guys don’t even know what you did?” The prisoner laughed. His face was still hidden in the darkness. But Yuki knew how gentle he is just from hearing his voice.

“Well , yeah.” Yuki chuckled. “We just mentioned we have performed in front of the Gods before and-“

“SHHH !” The prisoner hushed. “Never mention those people!”

“Ehh? Why?” Yuki wondered.

“That word and even their names are forbidden in this land.” The prisoner whispered.

“Why don’t you tell us more?” Gwyn said.

“I-I can’t.” The prisoner replied.

“You guys must be performers.” A prisoner from the other cell butted in. “To not know that the castle has ordered a ban.”

“Who’s that?” Yuki asked.

“I’m Arthur , the head of the Demon Royal’s Imperial Guards.” The prisoner said.

“Just what is happening here?” Gwyn asked. “Even you got captured?”

“No. It was from my Father’s orders.” The prisoner from the opposite cell said. “I’m the second prince , Silva Alexander Barreto XVI.”

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