Hoshimi Yukiko.A girl with white hair and golden eyes. Her tragic past changes her from a happy child to a cold and emotionless girl. She is a mystery...
no one knows who she is and where did come from.
no one knows her last name...
can someone melt...
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It is a beautiful night. Full moon and snowy night. A small silhouette of a girl can be seen under a big pine tree. Staring at the night sky while stroking her necklace. The girl has a snow-white short hair and pale skin. Her eyes can't be seen because of her blindfold.
Hoshi POV
'It snowing .....and it is a full moon. It just like that night. I can't believe that I am the last survivor. Its been 6 years huh.....Okaa-san...I miss you...Otou-san, Onii-san, Ryu....where are you guys..'
"Shi-Chan!!" before she knew it her body fell over the snowy land. "Shiro...get off from me...." Shiro one of her beloved wolf partners is on top of her body in his cub form. "Hoshi-Chan~..broccoli-sensei want to talk with you and why are you sitting out here Shi? It's not good for you to come out on this snowy night and it is cold out here." "Mmm....come on..." she picks up Shiro small body and walks to the small house.
It is a small house but it enough for Hoshi and her sensei. Maybe it is a small house but it always makes Hoshi feels safe and comfortable. When she opens the door to come into the house, she did not expect what she sees. There stood her sensei....dancing like an old drunk man while singing .....not to mention that he insert the chopstick into his nose....(-_-')...and there is her other wolf partner laughing like a maniac.
"S-sensei.....what are you doing..😑" she deadpan at her idiotic sensei. You can't even believe the man is one of the strongest warriors out there.
"Eh.....oh..Hoshi.." "...." "Ermmm.....well hello there Shi~"her sensei called her with cheerful aura "....." "Ehh...Anyway, I have news for you"dismissing his apprentice stare he took the chopstick out from his nose and throw it at Kuroo. Hoshi tilts her head in confusion. "We will leave this house in three days" "Why?" "We are going to my hometown. My father wants to meet you and he said that he wants to test how strong you are." "Why?" "I don't know...oh and he wants to know about you magic...you know your celestial magic." Hoshi eyes widen under the blindfold....she starts to panic and hyperventilating. She hates it when someone knows about her power. The last time people learn about her power they called her monster the person that she trusts betrayed her. "Hoshi!! Hoshi calms down...It is alright..my father will never harm you. Breath Hoshi..I'm here. I've promised you that I will protect you Hoshi...I am here snowflake" Zen quickly hugs her and whispers sweet words that can calm her down. Zen is like her brother and he considers Hoshi as her own sister. He always by her side since the first time he met her.
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"HEY!! GET HERE YOU BRAT!!" a bald man was chasing two people. A woman and a little girl with white hair, wearing a black cloak and a fox mask. The little girl no older than 7 years old had saved the woman from being kill. "Hurry up, miss..... if you do not want to be killed you better run faster..." the little girl spoke in a hushed voice. Suddenly, the woman 's leg had been caught by a vine. 'nature magic....how in the world that a bald hideous man that looks like an ogre has such beautiful magic??'Hoshi wonder while cutting the vines with her katana. "GIVE THAT WOMAN BACK!!" the bald man screams while lifting what looks like a......club? "Wow....you really look like an ogre now," she said while giggling. Hoshi wondered if she can beat the large man. It is true that she can fight but that ogre man is three times bigger than her and not to mention his gigantic club. "Hey...ogre man... I will not give her to you " "You sure are cocky for a little brat. It will be fun smashing your tiny body." the ogre man laughs like a maniac. "Miss...I want you to run as fast as you can and never look back....understood?" she looks at the frightened woman while talking with a hushed tone."I will count on 3.....1.......2........3...GO!!" the woman runs for her life while Hoshi attacking the orge man. She slashes his leg and making him bleed. "WHY YOU--DIE!!" the orge man kick her small body and knock the wind out of her. Her mask has been taken off. Before he can harm her more her two companions, Kuroo and Shiro came and bite his hand. "ARGGGHH!!" the orge man screams in agony. Kuroo and Shiro let out a vicious growl. Their eyes were glowing. "What the--wolf demon..." the orge man stares at the wolves with a scared face. "There is just one person that wears a fox mask and have a wolves companion..who are you brat.." the large man crawling away from Hoshi. "I am nobody..."Hoshi looks at the large man with empty golden dragon-like eyes. "M-monster!!." "....."Hoshi ran to the man and stab him at his heart. His blood splattered on her face and clothes. She stared at the dead body with an emotionless face. "weakling ...and here I thought that you were strong...guess I'm wrong." Hoshi picks up her mask and ties it at her hip. After that, she unties a black cloth on her arm and ties it around her eyes ."Come on...let's leave this place.." "Wait" a man with dark green hair called her. Hoshi looks at the man suspicious. 'Who is this man...he'strong...I can't even feel his presence....but kind of remind me of broccoli.'😅 "Did you do this"Broccoli ask her while looking at the dead orge man. "....." "well....of course, you are the one who did this you have a bloodied katana over there."Broccoli walking to Hoshi with a flowery aura. Before he can come any further, Kuroo and Shiro stand in front of Hoshi while letting out a growl. "Woah there... I will not harm her.."The broccoli man stared at the wolves in awe...well who doesn't...wolf demon is one of the strongest demons "....."Hoshi just looking at the broccoli man with a blank face. "Well...I want to give you an offer" "......what is it..." "Wahhh~~You talked!!" broccoli said with a shocked face not even caring the vicious growl from the wolf demons. "Anyway...I want you" "...........huh....."Hoshi back away from the broccoli man." stay away from me you a pedophile." "WHAT!!! that 's not what I mean...I am not a pedophile!!" "..." "Huh...I just want you to become my student...I will teach you magic and the other stuff." "......" " ...." ....🐤..🐤.....🐤.. "..........okay ..." "well...that was easy....so what is your name?" "Hoshimi...Hoshimi Yukiko Eu--"Hoshi stop herself from telling him her last name. "Hmm?? What's that??" "......" "Well..my name is Zen...Zen Akashi, you can call me Zen-sensei....nice to meet you Hoshi-chan" "Likewise...Brocc--ummm...Zen-sensei"
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"it will be alright Hoshi...it will be alright," said Zen while rocking his body back and forth. Kuroo and Shiro walk toward them and join the hug. "Thank you sensei....and sensei..." "hmm?" "You stink" "Whaaa!Hoshi-chan you are so mean~wahhh!!" Said the living broccoli with crocodile tears. "Stop whining"