Hoshimi Yukiko.A girl with white hair and golden eyes. Her tragic past changes her from a happy child to a cold and emotionless girl. She is a mystery...
no one knows who she is and where did come from.
no one knows her last name...
can someone melt...
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What the... . . .
What happens here... . . Our classroom was a wreck. . . . Books are everywhere.....chair and table are drawn...rubbish is on the desk..... atmy desk.
Yeah....only my table and chair is vandalized. My book is around the classroom....rip, burn and drawn.
I walked toward my desk. There are words written on there using a marker.
Creep. Monster. Bitch. Slut. Weakling. Ugly.
There are not so many students in my classroom. Just a few of them. It is a relief that Katsuki and the other is not here yet....they will be very angry if they see this.
I stared at the words at my table blankly.
It's not a new thing for me......I have heard that word much time when I'm younger.
"Aww...is our little girl is being bullied," an annoying voice said. I gave her a side glance. Her lackeys snickered. My other classmate held their head down....afraid of this blue banshee.
Ignoring them, I clean my desk and pick my books...huh...I need to go to the town to buy new books....what a drag.
They used a water-based marker so it didn't take a long time to clean it up. After 6 minutes, my desk is clean. Not long after that Katsuki and the other arrive...chatting happily.
"Hahaha....huh...Hoshi what are you doing with that rag?" Mae asks while pointing at the rag in my hand.
"Nothing" dismissing them I put the rag away and take out my book. Reading it silently.
"Are you okay Shi-chan?" Ami, ask worriedly. I just nod my head...telling them that I am not in the mood to talk.
They caught my cranky mood so they leave me alone.
Blue Banshee and her lackeys snickered.
Ughh...how I really want to bash her head on the wall. Why are people afraid of her...yeah I know that she is a princess but that doesn't mean that she can treat us like trash.
Suddenly, my book was taken from my hand. I look at the culprit. Her blue eyes staring mockingly at me.
"What are you reading?" she read my book. It is a book about spirits.
"Ugh...what a boring book" she waved my book in front of my face.
"Leave her alone, Veronica," Katsuki spat while taking my book back. The other is behind me.
"Mind your own business Akashi" she sneered.
"You mess with my friend so it is my business." Katsuki glared at Veronica coldly.