Hoshimi Yukiko.A girl with white hair and golden eyes. Her tragic past changes her from a happy child to a cold and emotionless girl. She is a mystery...
no one knows who she is and where did come from.
no one knows her last name...
can someone melt...
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Today is Yumi's birthday. The little tsun-tsun is very happy. The servant is running around the castle, making a preparation for the little girl birthday. . . . . 'Why did I have to wear this??' Hoshi stared at her own reflection in the mirror with a blank face. She sees a little girl with shoulder length hair wearing a white dress.
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"EeeKkk!!You look so cute Hoshi-chan!!" the bubbly queen is fangirling along with the maid. Some of them even have a nosebleed.
'They wake me up at 8 o'clock in the morning just to argue which dress I'm gonna wear. And they take a solid 5 hours just to choose one dress...ONE dress.Ugh...I already tired and the party does not even start yet~'
She remembers this morning she nearly kills a maid by chopping their head off using her katana but that didn't stop them from dragging her like a rag doll to the dressing room.
"Hoshi" "hum?Yes, your highness?." "*sigh...call me aunt Ruu~~😣" the green haired beauty whine.
'Seriously...how old are you😑'
"No" "Fine~~Here..wear this" she gave her a choker. "What is this for your highness??" "Its to hide your magic power." "Why?" "because people might be kidnapped or pestering you to come to their kingdom, hun" "Why?" "people are greedy Hoshi. They just want power, name, and money. With your magic power, they can gain all of them." "..." "Dont worry child. The Azure kingdom will protect you" the queen gives her a warm smile."Now come on, the other is waiting." she takes Hoshi'small hand and walks her to the ballroom.
'I'm glad to meet this family. Even though they are annoying. ...at least they are kindheart people.Ne...kaa-san...can I be a happy child like I use to be'
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