Hoshimi Yukiko.A girl with white hair and golden eyes. Her tragic past changes her from a happy child to a cold and emotionless girl. She is a mystery...
no one knows who she is and where did come from.
no one knows her last name...
can someone melt...
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Hoshi is sleeping under the tree. She had ditch Kuroo and Shiro when they are playing in the garden.
"Hoshi wake up" "mmmhmmm~~" "Hoshi" "leave me alone" "Hoshi its training time" "Fine Sensei .....I already wa-"
The one who wakes her up is not her sensei. But a black creature who is staring at her with a pair of turquoise eyes. .. .. "Oh, Akira it's you *yawn so...you are going to train me?" "Yes now come on before I drown you in the sea" 'geez...he still a grumpy and cold familiar' "I heard that Shi..and talk to yourself" Ooopppss
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Hoshi, Katsuki, and Ami are standing in front of 3 familiars. Katsuki and Ami are staring at them wide eyes and mouth unhinged.
"What is this thing" "We are you parent and your brother familiar, "the white fox-like creature said. "Wow~so cool~But what are you doing here"Ami tilt her head. "We are going to teach you," the one who looks like a tree said in a gruff voice. "Okay...so which one is my parent familiar and which is my brother?" "Wait......you never meet them before Katsuki-san?"Hoshi asks him with a flat voice. "No" "hmmm"
"*sigh stop wasting my time would ya."Akira glared at the three of them. "Calm down Akira.....first we will introduce ourself. My name is Zetran, Guren's familiar." the white one said. "I'm Kopa .......Ruu familiar..nice to meet you"
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