Hoshimi Yukiko.A girl with white hair and golden eyes. Her tragic past changes her from a happy child to a cold and emotionless girl. She is a mystery...
no one knows who she is and where did come from.
no one knows her last name...
can someone melt...
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That was the only thing that I can tell you when I first met my familiar. Having a staring contest with this furball, I use that opportunity to look at him. Big ears, big arms, big yellow eyes, fluffy tail, and white fur.
Hmm...maybe I should call him fluffy or white?...naa...that sound ridiculous.
"Congratulation Mi-chan!!" Ami glomped me from behind.
I'm still sitting on the ground, and this fluffy little guy is sitting on my stomach. Because of the impact, he stumbles and fell on the ground.
He sneered at Ami while nursing his head. Hmmm...reaching out my hand, I rub his head. Ah...his fur is so soft.
"Okay, class. Now that all of you have your own familiar. There is no class today, so you can spend time with your familiar. Class dismissed" Shiota-sensei said.
Rex jumped from his shoulder and run toward me, dismissing his master that calling him.
"Congratulation, Hoshi-chan~," he said happily. I wonder...Rex is a dragon type familiar...maybe he like me because I'm half-
"He still doesn't have his power so it is your job to protect him. Ah! Right. But you can desummon him. Do you know how to?" He stared at my familiar.
Following his gaze, I didn't expect that this gonna happen. Ami tried to talk to the fluff ball but he ignored her. Ami being herself didn't flatter and keep bothering him. Annoyed, using his big hand... He smashed her head on the ground, creating a small creat.
"Wow, your familiar act just like you Mi-chan," a new voice said. It was Ritsu and the other.
"So Hoshi... My question?" oh right... Staring at the dragon type... I shake my head.
"Oh. Okay, to desummon him...you have to do just like you summoned him. But don't think that you want him to come but just think that you just send him on a vacation or something." I deadpan. What's wrong with that explanation...it sounds just like his master's....*sigh....well...I'll just try them.
Taking a deep breath...I imagine that I sent him on a 'vacation'. White energy surrounds my body...and I can feel the energy being sent off.
Opening my eyes, I breath out....eh.
"Good job, Hoshi. It was a success in a first try." Katsuki patted my head. Shiro and Kuroo jumped and land in my head and shoulder.
"E-eh....?" once again... I sweatdrop.
"What's wrong Hoshi??" Rex ask me.
"But he still here...😅" I stared at the big yellow eyes. For some reason...his look tells me that I can't get rid of him easily.