Hoshimi Yukiko.A girl with white hair and golden eyes. Her tragic past changes her from a happy child to a cold and emotionless girl. She is a mystery...
no one knows who she is and where did come from.
no one knows her last name...
can someone melt...
"Uhhh....are you okay Hoshi??"Shiota sensei ask me while sweatdropping.
And don't worry, that was just my stomach asking for food.
Rubbing my stomach I nod at Shiota sensei to tell him that I am okay.
" Oh..Ok---"
Okay....that's embarrassing Hey...not my fault...I can't control it. I didn't take a breakfast this morning and my food stash is empty because of a certain wolf boy.
"*sigh...here, it can satisfy your hunger for a while." Sensei toss me a packet of senbei.
"Thanks" urghh..I'm hungry. While I'm nibilling my senbei I can see Daiki holding his laugh.
Just you wait...you so gonna get it later for eating my precious food.
"Okay, that's all for today," Sensei said while clapping his hands once.
"Oh and before I forgot. You have a sports festival in three weeks. After that, you will have your holiday for two weeks. So make your own preparation. That's all class dismissed."
Not a second after sensei said that I bolt out of the classroom.
"To the cafeteria!!" like an angry bull, I charge to the cafeteria. All the student quickly avoid me like their life depend on it. Some of them even look at me weirdly.
I don't give a damn. I'm hungry.
"Aaa! Hey there Hoshi! How are you today?" obaa-chan greet me with her usual happy voice?
"I'm fine. Thanks for asking"
"Hahaha...anyway, what do you want to eat?"
"Mmm...I want...
. . .
" Woah...that is a lot of food Mi-chan" Mae stared at Hoshi's tray with widen eyes.
"Wut...I'm hungry"
"Yeah...I know but.."
"Isn't that a lot?" Tatsuya sweatdrop.
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I started at my food...hmm...naaa..its not that much.
"Huhuhuh" I heard a silent laugh behind me."Don't worry, Hoshi has a black hole for her stomach." Daiki said while ruffling my hair.
"Hurry up Daiki. I don't have time for this." Hiroto glared at his friend, tray in his hand.
"Eehh...cant we sit here Hiroto. I want to sit with my c----guehhhhh!!!"
I pull his necktie to cut him off. My mouth twitch, with an evil voice I said to him,
"You better watch your word Dai-kun...you don't want them to know aren't you???"