Chapter 29: Rabbit spirit

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The sports day is in a week

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The sports day is in a week. The principal gave us time to train...meaning, no SCHOOL!! Wohooo!!!

Anyway, it looks like nearly all of us are busy with training. They really used the facility in this school fully.

If you are wondering what I'm doing, well I am standing on top of the water. Aaaand no. This shit is not easy.

I'm trying to strengthen my ice magic. I rarely use my ice magic, to be honest. Dark magic is more my cup of tea but ice magic is cool too.

I have turned the surface of the water in the pond behind the school to thin ice and stand on top of it. I also created three ice balls and keep it floating around me.

I know, my training looks ridiculous but it helps my concentration and mana manipulation.

"Child, what are you doing?" I heard a voice said, from that husky and manly voice, I guess it Zouki-sansei.

"...shh..." I told him, trying to concentrate. I didn't even open my eyes.

"Child, all of the fishes in this pond will be frozen to death." He scolds motioning me to come out of the pond. I sigh as I get out of it.

"Follow me." He didn't even wait for me when he said that. He just turns around and walks away.

"H-hey!" I quickly grab my shoes and waddle toward him, barefoot.

"Where are we going?"

"This school has lots of training rooms and it was fully equipped with all the stuff you need for your training. choose a fish pond of all place to train." He talks while giving me a 'really' stare.

I huffed and looked away. "I don't want to train with other students," I grumble.

"Hoshi, you need to work on your communicating skill. Don't just communicate with your group of friends." He sigh. "You will need it if you already graduate from this school. You can't just work alone in your guild later."

"...hai," I said, barely above a whisper.

"We're here." Huh? I around me. Wait. A battle arena? But this place looks bigger.

"This is the place that we teacher used to train." He walks away from me, taking a wooden sword and throw it at me.

"It has all of the things that you need to train. Sword, dummy, the target, even vending machine ." I sweatdrop when I saw a row of vending machines.

"I hope this will help you in your training. Goodluck for the sports day." He walked away after he gave me a patted on the head.

Now lets train.

"Is this thing...ugh..." I grumble as I destroy another dummy. "I need a fighting partner...but everyone is busy. *sigh...this thing suck. It just fights without using magic." I grumble as I kick a broken training dummy.

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